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Devazure's Profile


Name:  Devazure
Title: 30 / Gay / Overworld Enthusiast
Forum posts: 809 (0.13 per day)
Forum threads: 41 (19.73 posts per thread)
Since: (registered for 17 years and 29 days)
Last post: , in Lunar Magic suggestions and discussion (LM v3.40) (Resource & Tool Releases)
Last activity: (16 hours and 24 minutes ago)
Files: View
Submissions: 4 (View)
Location: Louisiana, U.S.
Local time: (-5 hours from the server)
Groups: Beta Testers



User Bio

About Me

My name is Devazure, nickname "Dev." I'm 30 years old and live in Louisiana, U.S. My hobbies include traditional and pixel art, gaming, reading, and writing.
I love to be surrounded by good company, and I enjoy being able to provide good company to others, social battery permitting.

My History at SMW Central

I first registered on October 10, 2006, before the site's Great Wipe™. I've been previously known as A Yoshi, Aquifer, and Azurik throughout my years here at SMW Central. At the time of my original registration, I was only 12 years old - definitely a young, stupid child back then. Always getting into trouble, always being prompted by something.
However, I do owe a lot to this community for all the ups and downs that contributed to my growth as a person. To be a part of something so fun and unique for the last 18 years of my life is something I'll never forget.

My SMW Hacking Niche

I've never exactly been one to design levels. I've always found that to be quite a challenge, though I'm hoping to change that soon by experimenting and getting some feedback.
However, I've always had a natural ease in designing overworlds - my favorite part of any video game - and that's been my defining talent here at the central. I've entered four of the Overworld Design Contests we've held and won two of them, while still placing in the Top 3 of a third. I've also designed the original main overworld for An SMW Central Production 2. On top of this, I've designed numerous overworlds and submaps just for the sake of expressing my joy in creating them. There's just something about that sense of exploration, world-design, and the uncovering of secrets that appeals to me.
Thanks to a more recent revisiting of my love of pixel art, I've also started growing my graphical skills. I'm currently working on a few personal tilesets, and I hope to take my pixel art a step further in the future.

My Overworlds

This is my portfolio of major overworld projects I've done throughout my years here. Click on each to reveal the maps, alongside a short description of each one.

Disclaimer: I've since lost the source ROMs to all pre-2021 overworlds in a computer hardware failure. Please do not ask me for the original maps for your hacks, as those no longer exist. All modern contest entries and their resources are not to be used without permission.
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Originally known as A Yoshi (2006-2009), Aquifer (2010-2011), and Azurik (2012-2014).