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Luigi in: The Rescue of Daisy

Super Mario World Hacks → Luigi in: The Rescue of Daisy

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Comments (4)

Daniel_mi_bb_fiu_fiu Link
No funcionó en mi consola se rompe en los primeros 3 minutos
Marse337 Link
Thank you for making this world
played the whole thing
ass 2 stars
 Wakana Link
Not bad at all! For how linear this one can be, it was fun to play. The design keeps in a traditional way, while being varied enough to be fun. Some repetitive sections are frequent though, as well as lands where there is nothing going on. The latter levels were a little better than the former ones; not sure about the difficulty, I'll set it to easy, since it's indeed easy to complete, especially if you manage to keep a Flower Powerup. Chances are big, since the hack is full of powerups anyways.

Aesthetics are nice overall. There is some cutoff here and there (mostly ground + pipes), but for the rest, it's well assembled. Not much more to say.

Some issues:
- Music breaks on accurate emulators.
- Major slowdown occuring pretty frequently.

Overall, not a top quality hack, but it's still fun to play.