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SMW 2012: Master Hand's Doomsday

Super Mario World Hacks → SMW 2012: Master Hand's Doomsday

Submission Details

Name: SMW 2012: Master Hand's Doomsday
Author: Roberto zampari
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 42 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: An epic hack with some awesome features!!

Plot: 2012 marks the end of world. Master Hand plans to destroy everything. Mario should stop Master Hand before it's too late!!

Hack Thread:

Note: THIS IS A NEW VERSION. Fixed some errors and added some new features!!

fixme: Gourmet Race level music causes all hack's music to glitch in accurate emulators. There might be other offenders.
Tags: asm bosses exgfx fixme huge level legacy music traditional
Comments: 10 (jump to comments)
3.6 (13 ratings)
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Comments (10)

crocodileman94 Link
Very flat level design and the Overworld was a bit dull. The hack kept my interest until the end though.

Ashman512 Link
#smw{:peace:} v for victory
Ashman512 Link
#lm{sprites}#lm{MARIO69} sprite turned
Ashman512 Link
#smw{<3} i love it
Ashman512 Link
#smw{<3} the hack is nice
Sonck's entertainment Link
#smw{:TUP:} So good
TheCowardlyBoy Link
rafaelfutbal Link
Nice hack but so hard in few levels. The difficulty curve is horrible.
Almost all the songs are good. The game crashes the sound in some levels on Snes9x.
Unfortunately this hack doesn't work on the PSP emulator.
It should be re-released for the latest emulators.
niko Link
I just played a few levels, 5-7 or something and i give it up.

i cant give u more than 2 stars, the design is extremly boring, just the same area 10 times with another enemys and that in all the levels.

submaps are... flat as hell and the difficulty curve is missing. some jumps are incredible hard and 95 % of the levels i played are incredible easy.
Lumy Link
The biggest issue with this hack is the clear lack of thought and effort put into levels. Although there were many custom sprites inserted, most of them weren't used to their full gimmick potential because most levels were just too flat. Too little of what SMW has to offer was used blocks/structuring-wise, which just leaves flat landscapes with little to no variation at all. Because of the overdependency of putting custom sprites into levels, their difficulty was practically consisted of the sprites' own difficulty to evade/defeat, making the difficulty curve of this hack a giant mess. Bosses were big offenders on this matter.

The item blocks were so lazily placed, it was clear you didn't mind copy-pasting them and even following the same patterns. You didn't even bother to place some loose coins and coin blocks in levels. This was a bit cringeworthy, and it happened throughout practically the whole hack.

Lack of effort also applies to the OW here: submaps are flat, uninteresting, decoration and level tiles were lazily placed and lastly, all Star tiles have "Star Road" as their destination name, which confuses the player. There also were too few save points for all those somewhat long levels, which blatantly punishes the player for getting a game over.

The hack also suffers from GFX inconsistencies and clashing, both intra and inter-levels. At least musically the hack is consistent and all songs were fitting.

I found myself spotting various (minor) grammar mistakes, so I feel like the hack didn't have proper proof-reading, which doesn't contribute to its professionalism.

Some specific issues:

- Mario's House had absolutely nothing that is worth the player's visiting: no collectibles nor useful info.
- Dying on stages with time set as 0 will give you the "Time Up!" screen.
- Chaos Red Switch: Law 1 says you can't go left, but you actually can. A better message would be "you can't backtrack".
- Sometimes the boss clips through the ceiling here during his jump moves, making the battle unbeatable.
- There were 2 Fire Flowers at the same spot, which can make the player lose his cape or reserved Feather if he steps here.

Overall, I felt like rushing through all those levels as fast as I could, because I wasn't having any fun thanks to the dull level design and lack of creativity. It seems the hack just screams "laziness" at the player and looks like a compilation of misc. levels rather than a solid game.

Rating: 2/5