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A Metal Hack

Super Mario World Hacks → A Metal Hack

Submission Details

Name: A Metal Hack
Author: Eric Maia
Demo: Yes
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 5 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Easy
Description: (Well guys, here is my first hack that i sent to smw central then... I'm sorry for some bugs ^^ (and my english isn't very good...))

Basicaly, the princess has been kidnapped by a guy and you have to save her.

Like the name says, some Custom Musics are heavy metal songs (like Paranoid, American Idiot etc)...

I hope you like it ^^
Tags: custom character exgfx health music non-mario traditional vanilla
Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
3.7 (6 ratings)
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Comments (2)

Daniel_mi_bb_fiu_fiu Link
It's really cool, but it doesn't have anywhere to store your stuff...
karinou Link
It was a cool hack, but yes pretty easy, a cool music inside, i heard sum41 and Nirvana in a level, not a lot sprites inside, but nice background thanks for this little hack