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Bomb blocks (from the kirby series)

SMW Blocks → Bomb blocks (from the kirby series)

This file is obsolete. The latest version is Kirby Bomb Blocks. For other versions, check the version history.

Submission Details

Name: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series)
Author: HammerBrother
Version History: View
Act As: Various
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: Ever wanted a kirby-styled block remover/changer gimmick in your hack? Well now you can! If the player triggers the bomb block, it will spawn a custom sprite that wipes out all the adjacent blocks one by one (on each explosion). See the readme for more info.

Oh yeah the tool for the explosion sprite is romi's spritetool 1.40 or higher.

the animated image below was made by me using licecap.
Tags: bomb kirby lorom puzzle secret
Comments: 3 (jump to comments)
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Comments (3)

HammerBrother Author Link
Thanks to a pm by Chill Pingu, he reported a bug that the explosion sprite gets deleted if it destroy the first bombable block if sprite bouyancy is set.
JackTheSpades Link
Certainly a great block. I love it, kinda wonder why nobody ever thought about that before.
One complain I feel like voicing is that the blocks behaviour would have been great to be in the readme rather than just the asm.
 SafeDesire Link
That's really cool. Nice job.