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SPCtoMML V1000

Tools → SPCtoMML V1000

Submission Details

Name: SPCtoMML V1000
Author: Vitor Vilela
Operating System: Windows
Platforms: SNES
Games: General, SMW
Source Available: Yes
Featured: Yes
Website: Link
Description: This tool allows you to convert SPC files to MML. More information is in the readme.
Tags: brr brr samples mml music rip
Comments: 26 (jump to comments)
4.5 (27 ratings)
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Comments (26)

jeffythedragonslayer Link
There is a bug where once you have analyzed one SPC file, if you open another the sound gets messed up. So you have to close and reopen the tool in between each SPC file.
jeffythedragonslayer Link
This tool produces less false positives than split700 with --force when dumping BRR files.
7 up Link
MML go .brr

MarcosMoutta Link
People need to realize this is a tool, not a slave you bought. You use it to help you, not do the work for you. If the hard work could be automated, it would have been. VV is no slacker.
Francium Link
This is a rather incomplete piece of software. There are a number of areas that need to be improved.
For example, if it were possible to use samples that you insert yourself, instead of always creating a brr sample (which is often the source of problems), it would greatly expand the range of usages.
TheScratchinator Link
you can use this to abuse porting (maybe)
MegaSonic1999 Link
Originally posted by Berk
here's an incredibly inelegant workaround for the not supported file format error - open your spc in a hex editor. change offset 0x500 to 00. save it. bam there you go use your newfound power responsibly

I tried that, but when I do this, the music doesn't loop as usually, but it starts over, and for sampled musics, there's a SFX glitch that makes the sound effects be heard weirdly.
How do I fix all that? And how to not add brr samples for non-sampled songs? Also, which hex editor you recommend me to use?
I used HxD editor by the way.
Plasmariel Link
One question, I have tried to convert some spc files from other games, my originals included, but when I import them into my ROM with AddmusicK, the pitch bending is absolutely terrible. What should I do? Is it better to show some examples?
qantuum Link
ok, so now I guess I have no more excuse when I'm missing SNES song .brr
Koop the Koopa Link
yupyup____ Link
i have no idea how to change the hex
good for other people i guess...
h.carrell Link
some people are comfy ripping brr samples with this
codfish1002 Link
@berk how do i change the offset or what hex editor should i use since i can't change the offset with hxd hex editor
S.R.H. Link
here's an incredibly inelegant workaround for the not supported file format error - open your spc in a hex editor. change offset 0x500 to 00. save it. bam there you go use your newfound power responsibly
Neito Link
Where do I find offset 0x500 in the file I want to convert?
MegaSonic1999 Link
I tried to convert an SPC music (for example: Sonic 3D blast - diamond dust act1 by Roberto Zampari) but it gives me: SPC file isn't supported error.
What should I do?
Hooded Edge Link
Great for ripping brr samples. I was able to get some Castlevania Dracula X samples out of there. Also some songs tend to treat some notes as pitch bends rather than normal notes.
buggy789 Link
Would be nice if we can be a little more precise with seconds to dump.
Konata Izumi Link
hey uhh, why aren't voice samples working (i.e. panel de pon's nintendo presents screen)?
riki2321 Link
Epic Tool! It Useful when Porting Other SNES Music To SMW
Lespna1 Link
So is it possible to convert the file to MML to use the music in SMW2? I tried the Addmusic program, but now I am stuck so I can't figure out what's wrong. However, no one has responded to my post in that thread. I wanted to insert the music to use in my level, but the text file does not make sense. It just has a whole bunch of files that say .brr at the end.
jimbo3edc Link
I can't download this for some reason. redirects back here.
MarkVD100 Link

But that SPC is mine. -_-
MrGreenThunder Link
Originally posted by Berkay
It's not a bug, it's made on purpose to prevent people steal others' ports.

That's really dumb.
S.R.H. Link
It's not a bug, it's made on purpose to prevent people steal others' ports.
MarkVD100 Link
There is a bug saying that the SPC is not supported file format.