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Enemy Credit Sprite Changer (with graphical fix)

SMW Patches → Enemy Credit Sprite Changer (with graphical fix)

Submission Details

Name: Enemy Credit Sprite Changer (with graphical fix)
Author: Hamtaro126
Tool: Asar
Requires Free Space: No
Bug Fix: Yes
Featured: No
Description: Added a bit more documentation, Thank LX5 for that.

Do you want to change some of the original ending's enemy sprite data without fuss? This should be the patch for the job, Included is a oversight fix reguarding palette and tile data in the original enemy ending data.


NOTE: This is currently not compatible with SA-1 as of this state, but you can hack it to do so easily. I may consider adding SA-1 support in a newer version soon.
Tags: credits lorom needs remoderation
Comments: 3 (jump to comments)
Download 4.80 KiB | 279 downloads


Comments (3)

Moltz Link
Originally posted by Fermín Acosta Jr.
Can anyone makes sa-1 compatible

It is already SA-1 compatible, weirdly enough.
El Cuh Fermin Link
Can anyone makes sa-1 compatible
JackTheSpades Link
Well, this is nice and all but there are a few things I'd wish you could do with this.
1. I added a warnpc because you can't put more then the original amount of sprites in the credits. Sure, you could take some sprites from one cretid screen and put them on another, but if you put more then that, you'd overwrite the ROM content after the credits. So, it would be lovely if you could make this possible to export to freespace.
2. Make it possible to change the GFX as well. We can change which tiles the sprites use but not the GFX itself.

Also, some of the documentation might be wrong. I only played around with the mecha koopas but even there I noticed stuff:

 db $6B,$67,$41,$5B ; Mechakoopa 1 Top Half 1
 db $73,$67,$40,$5B ; Mechakoopa 1 Top Half 2 
 db $A6,$67,$40,$1B ; Mechakoopa 2 Top Half 1
 db $AE,$67,$41,$1B ; Mechakoopa 2 Top Half 2 
 db $57,$6E,$72,$0B ; Mechakoopa Key 1 actually the key for the stomped one
 db $66,$6E,$71,$4B ; Mechakoopa Key 2 key for mecha 1 (as by the numbering above)
 db $BB,$6E,$70,$0B ; Mechakoopa Key 3 key for mecha 2
 db $42,$6F,$00,$1B ; Stomped Mechakoopa 1
 db $4A,$6F,$01,$1B ; Stomped Mechakoopa 2
 db $6B,$6F,$51,$5B ; MechaKoopa 1 Bottom Half 1
 db $AE,$6F,$0A,$1B ; MechaKoopa 1 Bottom Half 2 actually mecha 2 (again, by the numbering of the first tile)
 db $7B,$77,$60,$4B ; MechaKoopa 2 Bottom Half 1 actually mecha 1
 db $A6,$77,$60,$0B ; MechaKoopa 2 Bottom Half 2

Also, if anybody is curious how I did the ninjis, you replace the code with this:

 db $6B,$67,$41,$5B ; Mechakoopa 1 Top Half 1
 db $73,$67,$40,$5B ; Mechakoopa 1 Top Half 2 
 db $B0,$58,$A7,$13 ; Ninji Jumping
 db $A0,$6F,$A9,$13 ; Ninji Ground
 db $57,$6E,$72,$0B ; Mechakoopa Key 1
 db $66,$6E,$71,$4B ; Mechakoopa Key 2
 db $42,$6F,$00,$1B ; Stomped Mechakoopa 1
 db $4A,$6F,$01,$1B ; Stomped Mechakoopa 2
 db $6B,$6F,$51,$5B ; MechaKoopa 1 Bottom Half 1
 db $7B,$77,$60,$4B ; MechaKoopa 1 Bottom Half 2
 db $FF