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SMW Patches → Autosave

Submission Details

Name: Autosave
Author: Alcaro
Version History: View
Tool: xkas or Asar
Requires Free Space: Yes
Bug Fix: No
Featured: No
Description: This patch makes the game automatically save as soon as you move anywhere on the overworld, including if you didn't beat a level.

GreenHammerBro's edit: added sa-1 support
Tags: lorom needs remoderation overworld sa-1 save sram
Comments: 8 (jump to comments)
Download 43.96 KiB | 2,231 downloads

Comments (8)

Gulaschko Link
Seems to be very buggy. Everytime Mario walks on a level dot on the Overworld, the game acts weirdly for a split second. Apparently, every time the code runs, some GFX on Screen become messed up for a very short time...
Thiago678 Link
I see a bug in this patch,please help.When you activate a switch palace and return to the overvorld,you can't move.
Ramon Link
Made a quick SA-1 conversion of the alternate Autosave patch Zeldara posted below

Only tested it once so use at your own risk
Karisa Link
This patch has a major issue: the autosave doesn't work unless you walk to another level. If you close the game while standing on the same level (say, because you just died after a midpoint, or cleared a switch palace), it won't save.

Alcaro made an xkas autosave patch for me in 2011, which saves as soon as you gain control on the overworld, as well as when you walk to another level. I'm pretty sure he submitted it back then-- I wonder if something was lost in this SA-1 conversion? The code looks entirely different.

Anyway, here's an Asar conversion of Alcaro's old autosave patch. I've tested it on the vanilla game, and it did indeed save after the yellow switch/after dying at a midpoint without needing to walk elsewhere.

(no SA-1 support, someone else feel free to convert who knows how to do that)
Gartore Link
dont work whit the free ow
Ondore's Lies Link
This is one of those patches I feel should be defaulted into LM.
The__Juggernaut From older version: Autosave Link
Nice, it works :D
LMPuny From older version: Autosave Link
I'm apling this patch but I stuck in the .asm file since don't have the ENTER.