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Luigi's Revenge!

Super Mario World Hacks → Luigi's Revenge!

Submission Details

Name: Luigi's Revenge!
Author: Kaisaan
Version History: View
Demo: Yes
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 7 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: A hack I've been working on for a long time, with lots of procrastination and other stuff... I present to you my hack! Luigi's Revenge!

I hope you have fun!

Get the user bar here to show support!

Check out the Readme file to see what's new in this version!

Besure to check out the hack's thread and the hack's IRC channel at #Luigi'sRevenge!

(As of 4/23/2016 this hack's version is 1.41)

Warning!: when saving your game, the hack creates a .srm file that, once loaded in titlescreen after you reset and replay, freezes the game. Be aware of this, thank you.
Tags: asm exgfx music traditional
Comments: 31 (jump to comments)
3.5 (11 ratings)
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Comments (31)

Kaisaan Author Link
oh lmao I forgot I had this here
LDA Link
Kaisaan please take me out of the credits as well as the other 4 people who didn't help you at all VilelaBot PM floods me whenever anyone comments on this.
Chillah Link
You know, it's funny because I'm pretty sure that not a single one of those people made this hack but Kaisaan Squiddiqui.
Barnowl Link
Enjoying this a lot, can't wait for more!
Green Jerry From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Originally posted by Nameuser
What status bar does your hack use?

It uses DKC Styled Sprite Status Bar
 Wakana Link
The hack indeed breaks once you reset and happen to have a .srm. Deleting the .srm makes it work again (starting from zero obviously), but I'm honestly not sure if this is a major reason which leads to rejection; we'll see about it once I discuss this with other mods.

Edit: Okay, I'll let this pass for now. For the next version, be sure to fix this issue, or it'll be a 100% reject.
Nameuser From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
What status bar does your hack use?
Kaisaan Author Link
IDK why that happens, just delete your .srm file and it should be good.
Andyana Jonseph Link
This would be acceptable, but when I go back to the hack, it crashes.
Mario1989 From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
The graphics looked awesome in the game and preety good for an Luigi game. Sprites are well done made, Levels are complex, and cool appearence of the Secret Luigis. Luigi himself has an SMAS sprite which it is cool and badass. The mushroom pallete needs some work on,
The top is ok, but the bottom, It's too dark and needs to be brighten a little bit. So that's all i have to the hack so keep it up! ;)
Kaisaan Author Link
Oh shit, I forgot about that.
Kaisaan Author From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
@Mario1989: Thanks! Is there any general feedback/criticism that you'd like to give?
Mario1989 From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Good job!
Kaisaan Author From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
@nityananddeonarain: Well, thanks for the positive comment! Stuff like that actually make me want to finish this, as nobody really has anything good to say, other than people report errore/bugs/etc. to me...
nityananddeonarain From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Finally, a luigi game that will be completed one day.
Kaisaan Author From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
I tried that before, and it doesn't work...
 K3fka From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Nintendo included tiles specifically to solve the issue of YELLOW SWITCH PALACE not fitting. See those ILLUSIYELLOW tiles in the tile selector? Use those.
Kaisaan Author From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
@Castle cutsence: Fixed that

@YELOW SWITCH PALACE: If I added the second L, the last E won't appear...

@Status bar: Why do I need to keep on telling this, the status bar cut-off is like that, so blame WhiteYoshiEgg, the creator, for that...And the NMSTLP is already added...
 Wakana From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Nice hack here. While it's pretty simple, it's still enjoyable and fun to play.
You may want to take a look at these errors I found:
- The message here kept unchanged. Not really needed, but you should replace it; that, or remove the castle destroying sequence totally, your choice.
- YELOW SWITCH PALACE. Watch out for typos.
- As you addressed in the .txt, the status bar replacement thing can get buggy at times. Not to mention that I rarely got sprite tile limit errors in the castle level. Do you have the "no more sprite tile limits" patch inserted? This will may fix this issue, have a try.
Luna From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
The visual and music are both nice and enjoyable. The real problem here is the gameplay and some details. Some "pows" are unnecessary, since Luigi can do wall jumps and some very high jumps. On the level "The Islands 4" there are some blocks that tells us to practice some weird jumps, but those jumps aren't necessary in this demo. Also, that status bars coming every time I get a coin is a little bit annoying.

I gave it a 2/5, but I'll keep an eye on this hack. Keep it up!
Kaisaan Author From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
I really need to update the screenshots

@rextep Thanks for the feedback, I'll change the levels more.
rextep From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
idk, maybe try making levels that don't directly parallel with the ones from the original game for starters? as they are, they just feel like jumbled up, worse versions orig levels. it's oddly uncanny while playing through, which is something I assume you don't want
Kaisaan Author From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
So could you tell me how I can make the hack not like the original and make it more fun and less boring?
rextep From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
nice dude, it was like the original game but more boring and less fun
GamingWithDrew From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Excellent job overall! Great start, man. I rated it 4/5 stars. Truly a fun demo. I love the touch of challenging others to count the 8-bit Luigi's throughout the game for a prize.

Good job! :)
Kyanite From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
I think he means that you keep updating the same demo. Not to say that's bad or anything, but it's probably what he meant by saying that.
Kaisaan Author From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
What? I've never rereged on this site?
MrGreenThunder From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
hi kaisaan rereg
superbot12 From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Change it to a .ips.
MellyMellouange From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
Oh boy, oh boy... where do I start?

The gameplay itself is mostly some easy romp, pretty fun and all. Then, I realized most of these levels are edits of vanilla levels - Yoshi's Island 2, 3 and 4, to be more specific.

Luigi's new mobility feels good to control, even though the level design doesn't seem to have many opportunities to reflect this.

The game suggesting the player to backtrack half the level for a 1-up, in the second level, I felt was too unrewarding to encourage the player to explore if any Flutter Jump opportunities arose.

Also, I just happened to enter the Big Boo fight with a Fire Flower, the first time - ended up frying my shells before I even knew what was happening, had to die on purpose.

This demo does not leave any taste in my mouth which would make me look forwards to more demos, or the whole full game. In my opinion, this would have been more beneficial to have this first world demo as a work-in-progress / full hack release instead. Level design and game design are some of the most difficult aspects of creating a game of any form, so if this is one of your first efforts in the fields, you will need all the feedback you can muster. Start with design advice from design colleagues.

You're definitely on some right track, I will have to say, however.
Majoraskull From older version: Luigi's Revenge! Link
liked it, i have found no bugs.think i found everything (25 Dino coins and the life you can get in level 2 with yoshi) and also liked the way yoshi can hover, Luigi kan backflip,walljump and farjump.i'm seeing foreward for the next demo :D