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Yoshi's Highland

Yoshi's Island Hacks → Yoshi's Highland

Submission Details

Name: Yoshi's Highland
Author: Wooden Chair
Demo: No
Length: 54 level(s)
Description: Yoshi's Highland
Version 1.0

NOTE: Requires version U 1.0 ROM to patch. Unmodified stages, but heavily modified gameplay!

Yoshi takes an acid trip!

Two core things happen here: random sprites spawn in, and random velocities are added on to each sprite (including ambient sprites). Idea credit goes to p4plus2.

An exclusion lookup table has been included to exclude any sprites that are problematic. A roughly reasonable default has been assigned to prevent crashes & softlocks and also to make the vanilla game somewhat beatable.

The assembly patch for this has already been released, but this hack version also features a modified title screen, intro text (thanks to goom for these), infinite lives (you'll need 'em!) and the ability to start & select out of any level at any time in case softlocks happen.

Be sure to make a save state after completing each level, as hard locks and save file erasures can occur - the nature of corruption hacks such as this makes these extraordinarily difficult to completely get rid of - but that said, they don't happen too often.
Tags: corruption rng
Comments: 17 (jump to comments)
4.4 (13 ratings)
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Comments (17)

Ecuador Link
Lo parcheo y lo pruebo pa ver #tb{:]}
The Lucifer of Gaming Link
This is Super Mario 64 Chaos Edition done up for SMW2 Yoshi's Island (the latter being my favorite game of all time) and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU WONDERFUL SON OF A BITCH YOU!!!!!! Five stars!
NintenG YT Link
tranlator of google: spanish to english
oooooh me gusta #smw{<3}
Batata Douce Link
Originally posted by Danielsonic 87
Guys,I LOVE hardcore challenge(if not too unbalanced)but this...
I was enthusiastic of this,but I begin this and...on 1-1 I already left.
Reason=I never seen something SO BAD on a platform videogame,on 30 years of my life!
He's right on beginning message,is an abomination,and it suits well!
I LOVE all hacking world,but I NEVER played a SOOOO BAD Hack ROM.And just for clear things out...I like even that SMW hack that many says "is flat" "is lifeless" "is boring" "is repetitive"or some other heavy words that internet teach to us on various social network;where the only thing that you have to do is jumping on platform or enemies in the most repetitive way can be ever created:even that is acceptable for me and worth of 3-4 stars of voting,but Highland...
I'll remember of this horrible thing every time in my life I'll hear te word "Highland" "Wasteland"(the most accurate way to call this hack,for me)or similar...
1 star is a compliment as valutation,for me...if you can't finish a game for the bad status of a rom-ISO,is unworthy to be exist...and this hack is absolutely impossibile to clear,useless you have the patience to get the 1000G-platinum trophy on Star Ocean The Last Hope (and International version)(1000 hours of gameplay to get that,if someone doesn't know that yet...)
I REALLY HOPE that someone in the world will NEVER,EVER CREATE something like this again...

This is a hack that randomly spawn sprites.
FimishHACK Link
Originally posted by lucassouce215
what emulator do you use to run it?

ZSNES orSne9x
thesecondbaron Link
For those of you looking for a patched ready-to-play rom of this, i have one here.

mod edit: no rom links. Read the rules.
Yoshi Das Bala Tensa Link
Danielsonic 87 Link
Guys,I LOVE hardcore challenge(if not too unbalanced)but this...
I was enthusiastic of this,but I begin this and...on 1-1 I already left.
Reason=I never seen something SO BAD on a platform videogame,on 30 years of my life!
He's right on beginning message,is an abomination,and it suits well!
I LOVE all hacking world,but I NEVER played a SOOOO BAD Hack ROM.And just for clear things out...I like even that SMW hack that many says "is flat" "is lifeless" "is boring" "is repetitive"or some other heavy words that internet teach to us on various social network;where the only thing that you have to do is jumping on platform or enemies in the most repetitive way can be ever created:even that is acceptable for me and worth of 3-4 stars of voting,but Highland...
I'll remember of this horrible thing every time in my life I'll hear te word "Highland" "Wasteland"(the most accurate way to call this hack,for me)or similar...
1 star is a compliment as valutation,for me...if you can't finish a game for the bad status of a rom-ISO,is unworthy to be exist...and this hack is absolutely impossibile to clear,useless you have the patience to get the 1000G-platinum trophy on Star Ocean The Last Hope (and International version)(1000 hours of gameplay to get that,if someone doesn't know that yet...)
I REALLY HOPE that someone in the world will NEVER,EVER CREATE something like this again...
lucassouce215 Link
what emulator do you use to run it?
hobbledehoy899 Link
This is Yoshi's Island presented as if it was an abortion that came out of a Yoshi egg.
ARandomHammerBro Link
Honestly, I don't think a more perfect Yoshi's Island rendition can even exist.
Mushroom1228 Link
@Raidenthequick Is the Super Mario World version of this madhouse released somehow? I cannot find it.

Anyway, I enjoyed this hack very much. Gotta use the original patch for the crazy moving platforms though, which I find insanely funny and unfair. I also like how things that shouldn't have a mind of their own troll you like crazy.

11/10. Perfect party entertainment.
Lemmy Koopa Link
I not like it srry....
Wooden Chair Author Link
Someone did in fact, and that man is p4plus2. That's where I got the idea for this pup from.
Mushroom1228 Link
This is the definition of a madhouse. Watched Carl play it, and I just know that this is going to be awesome. Someone has to make something like this for Super Mario World.
Wooden Chair Author Link
My bad, fixed!
racknae Link
Tried with both headered and unheadered rom, both times FLIPS outputs "This patch is not intended for this ROM"

Is it an issue with the patch? What ROM do I need?