Name: | Mario's Sweet Adventure 3 - A New Quest |
Author: | niko |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 66 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Hard |
Description: | I really love this hack, that's the reason why i give it an update with minor fixes and Costum Music from RussianMan! -Fixed some weird enemy placement -Fixed that mean switchpalace move from me -Now with a better ow palette, the old was a bit strange imo. -Some enemys are removed completly to avoid unfair situations and/or slowdown -Fixed one grammar error in the textbox -Fixed a cutoff in the first level Maybe i upload another update of this anytime, if i find enough to fix :P |
Tags: | less exgfx music traditional vanilla |
Comments: | 58 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
315.27 KiB | 4,376 downloads
Comments (58)
But in my title screen it shows 60 exits.
Is this right?
Yeah, the aim of this hack is not to stand out, just to be fun.
However, the hack feels like it just comes and goes. Nothing in particular stands out in terms of not only variety, but also aesthetics. You get a very "eeeehhhh" feeling after going through the entire adventure. You don't do much to maintain interest, basically.
Overall, not necessarily bad, but there is a lot of room for improvement.
I wanna become desolated with the 1 star ratings without reason, as shown in Fig.
ja, ich schreib auf deutsch, juckt mich jetzt echt net.
However, I have some criticisms to make. I didn't like how in the level, 'Ice Cave', I was unable to get a powerup because I activated the red switch. Activating switch palaces should help the player, not hinder them. Also, sometimes there were unfair enemy placements. In some levels, lotus plants were placed in an awkward spot and very hard to avoid.
Overall, I liked this hack and I look forward to playing more of your hacks. I rate this hack 4/5 stars.
Im working on a new hack.
You can see his progress in my files.
The finished version will be have a lot of stages and some exgfx levels to suprise the player.
see ya all.
Thank you.. : )
Anyway, it was a nice experience, it was clear you had fun making it. There were some sections I would tweak personally, such as some difficulty spikes here and there; I didn't have much fun with Rope Factory due to some very unforgiving jumps, but that aside, good work.
1. Thanks for trying it later, pls say your opinion.
2. The unfinished version was many weeks in the waiting files.
3. Actually i have much time, later i havent that much, so i take the time and make levels for the hack every day a few hours.
4. I dont speak english very well, sry for grammar errors, i give my best.
EDIT: Im... just toooo bad in making puzzle hack, i make another "normal" hack. :/
at the moment world 1-6 are finished.
but... i must complete the last castle, bonus levels and a complete bonus world. and i try to make the bonus levels awesome, so... i think i need a lot of time for there type of levels.
and at the end the complete hack must be tested by me many times and here and there i must polished that and that.
I work hard on this. The new version has now 3(!) new levels. I submitted it, when the second world is complete. (1 more level and the switch palace)
I can't editet it....
I mean 11 1/2 levels, not 1 1/1 levels ^^
I am so dumb....
1 1/2 NEW levels... omg, i think its better when i sleep more than 2 hours....
Other Chances are, there are more enemys in the levels, better enemy placement in a few levels, more bushes, a background in the code room, an light editet overworld, music changes, more time in the levels.
-Second part of the To GO UP Canyon Redesigned completely
-Bullet bills move slowly
-Lava palette changed in the Green green lands
-Some other palette changes in some levels
Only thing I disappointed is first bush in the Chainsaw madness: Grinders have lower priority and goes behind objects. So i died by grinder behind the bush.
This list is incompleted, maybe there is other changes.
Not exactly ^^
Play it and say your opinion.
Do you think it's better now or not? (The hack not the palette
Do you don't like it?
Same haha
I hate water levels but i find it's important to put a few of them in a hack because of.... tree.
Blue plains and Chainsaw madness
My hate level:
Deep Water Puzzle
Sorry dude, i don't unterstand all, my english is very bad.
But here the Things i fixes today.
*Time Limit.
*Ice Blocks (The second half of the "Go Up Canyon" is now completly changed.)
*Pallettes in a few levels.
*1st Level Beginning
*1st Level Key Placement.
*The thing, that you must again complete the half of the Level "Green green Lands", now the Player spwans exactly under the pipe to the underground.
*Castle palletes first room and second room
Although your level design was not rejectable, I think it could definitely be improved upon; the first level was very empty towards the beginning, and although it is meant to be easy, I'd suggest spicing it up still. Other areas are also devoid of enemies.
Another issue present in a few levels was how you used the map16 editor to insert collectable items such as Dragon Coins and blocks. While not always an issue, it was here, since you used sublevels that returned the player to the main level, which meant that they respawned.
Some of the timers should definitely be extended. Although Deep Water Puzzle is 400 seconds long, you should add at least another 100 seconds. When your hack encourages exploration, the player will need all the time they can get. I went below 100 secs several times.
Please fix some of your palettes too, particularly the putrid green lava you use in Green green lands and the spike pillars you use in the castle which blend into the background too much.
While for the most part, I was fine with how the player obtained the numbers, the one in the first level confused me a little; one would assume that you needed Yoshi, but he's nowhere to be find. It wasn't until much later I realised it was fake dirt. Please put more indication than just a single coin :-P
I also think you should replace the hazardous ice blocks. I'm glad you warned the player and all, but really, they don't make much sense and can be quite confusing. Change them to munchers or spikes.
And one more thing I'd say is that you should add a nice new title screen. Doing so is very simple!
Take what I've said on board, and I'm sure this hack can be pretty nice. Good luck!
I polished this hack, i draw levels on paper, i know this hack is much better than my other ones. Or... i hope
Because the last 2 weeks i work on this hack, every day more than 6 hours and my brain is dead.