Name: | Mario Start Editor |
Author: | TheBiob |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Operating System: | Windows |
Platforms: | SNES |
Games: | SMW |
Source Available: | Yes |
Featured: | No |
Website: | None |
Description: | This tool makes it easier to edit the Mario/Luigi Start screen. Good if your main character isn't Mario or Luigi. If you encounter an issue where glitchy tiles show up or tiles appear to be missing, read the readme before asking for help. It is likely that you forgot to install the Row Patch. v1.2 Main Changes: - SA-1 version of the patch - Program now uses a template file for people who want to do more complex patches I guess - Added source code - Added Bonus Game message support Please check the readme for additional information on what changed and how to use the tool |
Tags: | bonus editor game over mario start time up |
Comments: | 41 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
38.42 KiB | 4,635 downloads
Comments (41)
But is it possible to change the palette of the tiles on the MARIO/LUIGI START!, GAME OVER!, TIME UP!, and BONUS GAME screens?
If it only creates a file called "AllGFX.bin" then make sure to disable "Options>General Options>[ROM Editing Options]>Use Joined GFX Files" and try again.
You can put that somewhere in template.asm if you want it applied automatically as well.
Note though, that unless you didn't edit your rom in LM yet, or for some reason disabled the option to add a header, the rom is actually a headered ROM (.smc) that's marked as unheadered (.sfc) which can easily break tools most notable asar.
If you want your .sfc rom to show up you can change the filter by typing "*.sfc" (or *.* for all filetypes) into the filename field. Though again, if it's actually an unheadered rom then the tool will most likely break something. It's safer to generate a patch and apply that using asar, that one will tell you if something's fishy.
Then in the editor you go to "File > Load GFX > Load GFX 0F", navigate to your ROM folder go to Graphics and then select GFX0F.bin
Do the same with GFX10.bin, after you did that the window should appear with the "Mario Start" screen.
"Patch ROM Directly" means that it inserts the changes directly into your ROM without generating a patch that you insert with asar first.
"Patch ROM Directly" does not support all features the patch generator does (Like the row patch)
In case of it not showing in-game are you sure you selected the screens in the patch settings? Also, are you using SA-1 or not? Either way you can send me the patch it generated and I'll look at what's going on.
In case of it not showing in-editor you can try loading a screen from rom or from the template file.
If it doesn't work you can send me a patch of the rom it failed to load from so I can see what's going on there.
Open the palette editor, uncheck "Enable custom palette for this level" and edit the palette there.
Note that some colors might not be loaded meaning that they'll use the last loaded value for that color
I do not know if lunar magic changes that.
If you want to change the palette the tool uses then export your palette and open it via "File > Load Palette"
Thanks. Making this took only two years... okay more like a week then giving up and coming back to it two years later but still.
Which reminds me that I fixed the new version yet never uploaded it
If I ever find the tilemap for the bonus text I'll add this as well.Done
- The "Highlight Mario/Luigi Tiles" is affected on other screens (Game Over/Time Up).
- No SA-1 support for the ASM patch generation.
Other than that, it's good enough as the previous version. Also added more tags.
Either way, it's good enough to get approved. It would be good if you updated it and added more functionalities since it's something since there's a few simple things that are lacking in the SMW Hacking world, making it restricted to more ASM savvy users only, which is bad. Also maybe a patch to take down limitations would be good too.
Note that I had to remove GFX0F.bin and GFX10.bin because they're copyrighted files and the user should get and give to the tool instead of already providing it. There is no issue at providing a default palette though, I think.
Also, I wish you could also add in a way to use ExGraphics (actually Half-ExGFX) for it and/or make it use my Layer 3 patch as an option,
You can also add in Mario/Luigi Start and Bonus Start to my Layer 3 patch as an addenum, as my patch removed those.