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Ersanio's ASM Tutorial - Assembly for Super Mario World (v1.1)

Documents → Ersanio's ASM Tutorial - Assembly for Super Mario World (v1.1)

Submission Details

Name: Ersanio's ASM Tutorial - Assembly for Super Mario World (v1.1)
Author: Ersanio
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Type: Tutorial
Language: English
Description: This tutorial aims to get people with zero ASM experience started on ASM hacking Super Mario World. The tutorial covers how you can use ASM in Super Mario World. It also covers the RAM, opcodes, writing custom blocks, custom patches and finally, debugging code to trace crashes. Custom sprites aren't covered because sprite tool has a tutorial for that but who knows, maybe one day...! (if there's popular demand).

For a more detailed, in-depth ASM tutorial more focused on opcodes, please check out my "Assembly for the SNES" tutorial afterwards. This tutorial only covers the basics to get you started, while that one covers all of ASM's bases.

Included in the zip are multiple formats of the tutorial: docx, HTML, PDF.

If you notice any errors, please don't hesitate to contact me so I can fix them. You could also contact me for suggestions.
Tags: asm coding debugging smw snes
Comments: 25 (jump to comments)
5.0 (18 ratings)
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Comments (25)

Scuttlebug Link
flames wow. meets scuttlebug edit it!
UTF Link
On pages 39 and 40, what exactly is supposed to happen in the debugger program? Is it supposed to show some sort of output when Mario dies? I have a breakpoint set to 00F60A, but when Mario dies, nothing appears in the debug window. No lines of code appear like in the example. I guess I have no idea how the debugger feature works.

TheBourgyman Link
Used this tutorial 3 years ago to get more acquainted with ASM, and I gotta say this is an excellent place to start with if you wanna know the language better, and how SMW works in overall. It's best to start with no expectations since there's a lot to learn, but doing your first block using this tutorial is so satisfying!
Gilberto9 Link
hello everyone, I want to learn asm in the easiest and most objective way, how can I start? I don't know anything yet
JosephTheCube Link
Can the docx file be an odt file for better compaitiblity with Linux. I think, it will not disturb the other OSes.
BlueToad Link
Originally posted by Xboy1282
Thanks so much, but do you know how to change the 2nd value in an address, and can you do it in only 2 lines? Example:
LDA #$69 #$13
SDA $1337

Code doesn't actually work, just an example
EDIT: Also, can you man a part 2? I know this is 4 years old but there's lots of stuff you didn't cover like how to make sprites and the !Blahblahblah code blocks

You should use 16-bit mode for those stuff. For example, if you want to store #$69 to $1337 and #$13 to $1338, you should do this:

REP #$20
LDA #$1369
STA $1337
SEP #$20
 Ersanio Author Link
Originally posted by Xboy1282
Thanks so much, but do you know how to change the 2nd value in an address, and can you do it in only 2 lines? Example:
LDA #$69 #$13
SDA $1337

Code doesn't actually work, just an example
EDIT: Also, can you man a part 2? I know this is 4 years old but there's lots of stuff you didn't cover like how to make sprites and the !Blahblahblah code blocks

You should check out my more in-depth general ASM tutorial. You'll have look for "16-bit mode" and "defines".

However, there's a newer version of the general ASM tutorial which also goes in-depth regarding common assembler syntax. You can find it here. It's still work-in-progress, although it's mostly finished.
Xboy1282 Link
Thanks so much, but do you know how to change the 2nd value in an address, and can you do it in only 2 lines? Example:
LDA #$69 #$13
SDA $1337

Code doesn't actually work, just an example
EDIT: Also, can you man a part 2? I know this is 4 years old but there's lots of stuff you didn't cover like how to make sprites and the !Blahblahblah code blocks
Ashman512 Link
i want the asm download please
 Ersanio Author Link
Originally posted by Spulg
Excellent tutorial; however after following it and implementing the red screen upon death, using AddmusicK to add a song would cause the game to crash again upon dying (wether it was with coin or without). Strange!

It's probably because AddmusicK has a different way of handling music. If you need help getting this fixed, you should ask around the forums. For the purposes of this tutorial though, I don't think that crash is a problem; the tutorial just teaches you how to make patches, after all.
Spulg Link
Excellent tutorial; however after following it and implementing the red screen upon death, using AddmusicK to add a song would cause the game to crash again upon dying (wether it was with coin or without). Strange!
h.carrell Link
good, now i can learn asm
00frank Link
Even in 2019 this remains one of the most useful posts on this site for ASMers imo. Great job Ersanio!
TheOrangeToad Link
work with Snes9x 1.51rr + Debugger Lua Script
bagledad Link
Thank you so much for this!
This was really helpful! Thanks ^^
Knucklesfan Link
Very nice Ersanio. I start learn ASM
PSI_Digglit Link
Thank you for this helpful Tutorial!#smrpg{y}
Coffeecan Link
Thanks for posting this. This is going to be extremely helpful.
Nitrocell Inc. Link
Very nice Ersanio. I start learn ASM
Nitrocell Inc. Link
Very nice Ersanio. I start learn ASM
NitroAsteroid Link
bananarchy Link
Extremely clear and understandable. Very well done!
 Erik Link
spritetool's and iceguy's sprite tutorials suck though LOL
lion Link
oh nice!!!