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SMW Translations

Super Mario World Hacks → SMW Translations

Submission Details

Name: SMW Translations
Author: Various
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 96 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: This file contains translations of Super Mario World in the following languages:

Dutch by Pureblade
German by DJCondor
Greek by DJKourampies
Indonesian by Desert-Fox
Italian by Emy40
Korean by fred6758
Luxembourgian by fsvgm777
Polish by Piotrek1113
Portuguese by BabyPurpleYoshi
Spanish by BokuNES
Romanian by Ripperon-X
French by DarkPika_404
Lojban by MegaYoshiPower
Finnish by JP32
Tags: dutch finnish french german greek indonesian italian korean lojban luxembourgian polish portuguese romanian spanish translation
Comments: 21 (jump to comments)
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Comments (21)

MickeySupermario16 Link
Creo que fue una buena para hacer un hack rom en todos los idiomas,todos ustedes son unos buenos creadores quizas se puede poner una versión en idioma chino o no? :D
Mario fan 000202910191 Link
#smw{:TUP:} nice
El Cuh Fermin Link
Eso es buen idea para mis hacks en Español.
Danik2343 Link
I need in Russian Language.
Brutapode89 Link
Who can add my new better french translation, because I can't update.

The link
GaloombaCat Link
I like this translation cuz im a greek person myself
aduw Link
Super Mario World
Saha Link
Add russian translate
Amomario123w Link
how do you use it? , ¿cómo usas este archivo?
Final Theory Link
Dino Land is good good fun land with Dinos and T-rex almost like Jurassic Park, but instead with Mario. Prince Peach has been taken by the mad Bowser who kidnapps. Help Mario save the world.
LuigiLetsGo Link
Luxembourg has dem dat ass dino-land
Piotrek1113 Link
Wow, I didn't know that someone remembered my polish translation :) Maybe I should go back to this translation again and fix some sentences ;)
TheJullasicFox Link
Originally posted by Translation
Welcome is dino-land. and that nagging country we find that princess toad-stool again puts the bowser down again on foot available

SwagDePaul Link
GG man :D
Tom33 Link
How to use it?
BokuNES Link
i made a better spanish translation of smw. It is possible to upload it?
IanBoy Link
Dat ass Dino-Land.
Scoutellite From older version: SMW Translations Link
Ici. :D
 Eevee From older version: SMW Translations Link
French has been added, courtesy of DarkPika_404.
7 up From older version: SMW Translations Link
Why is no French version here? I'm not French, but there are a lot of French users on this site
MolSno From older version: SMW Translations Link
Où t'es, français, où t'es?