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BTD6_maker's YI Text Editor (1.11)

Tools → BTD6_maker's YI Text Editor (1.11)

This file is obsolete. The latest version is BTD6_maker's YI Text Editor (1.13). For other versions, check the version history.

Submission Details

Name: BTD6_maker's YI Text Editor (1.11)
Author: BTD6_maker
Version History: View
Operating System: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Platforms: SNES
Games: YI
Source Available: Yes
Featured: No
Website: None
Description: This is a YI text editor written in Python. The advantage this has over YIPES is that while YIPES may occasionally overwrite important data, this never does.

It supports all special characters as well as symbols (such as the Yoshi symbol). For more information regarding these, see chara.txt.

This requires a Yoshi's Island (V1.0) (U).smc ROM. It now works with headered or headerless ROMS. Python 3 is required in order to run this.

Version 1.11
Added Advanced mode, which exports special characters directly as hex.
Fixed issue where single-line level names malfunction.

Version 1.1
Added the ability to import and export level names as well as just messages.

Version 1.02
Messages are now exported and imported in order, which may fix some free space issues.
Improved error handling.

Version 1.01
Large pictures now display properly.
Added support for headerless ROMs.
Exporting can now export individual hex characters (for example, part of a larger symbol used separately, such as if you only want the left half of the A button)

Version 1.0
Allows both exporting and importing text.
Fixes issues such as full stops and commas being duplicated as well as the lives counter not displaying.
Known bugs:
Large pictures (such as those in 1-1) do not show properly.
Tags: editor python smw2 text
Comments: 3 (jump to comments)
5.0 (2 ratings)
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Comments (3)

BTD6_maker Author Link
The message seems to show for me when I call it from a batch file. I will add try statements, though, to try to catch any other errors.
 RPG Hacker Link
This tool is more than I could ask for!
Though being serious, of course this is just a rather barebones script. You don't have any text preview, which can make it difficult to know what your text will end up looking, but it does what it's supposed to do, and that's what counts.

In the place where the script does

print("There is not enough freespace in the ROM for all messages")

I recommend also putting an error return value or something like that. Otherwise, when you call this script from a bat file or another tool, you have no way of knowing whether the execution succeeded or not.
 Ayami Link
works fine, very neat tool
just wait until level names support