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Perfect Slippery Blocks

SMW Blocks → Perfect Slippery Blocks

This file is obsolete. The latest version is Perfect Slippery Blocks v3.2.0. For other versions, check the version history.

Submission Details

Name: Perfect Slippery Blocks
Author: HammerBrother
Version History: View
Act As: Various
Includes GFX: No
Description: Unlike "Single Slippery Block", this one, you don't need an anti-slippery block placed above the slippery block for a workaround prevention. It also has proper slippery corners without making the whole level slippery. It requires Uberasm tool.
Tags: ice lorom physics slippery
Comments: 19 (jump to comments)
4.7 (3 ratings)
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Comments (19)

Starius65 Link
Bumping that this needs an SA-1 update.
Green Link
This waiting update is SA-1-compatible. (it doesn’t have the tag, but the one who requested the update mentioned SA-1 support, so it should be compatible with it.)
Starius65 Link
Got it, didn't know since it didn't have the tag. Thanks.
Brasil man Link
pls make this compatible with Sa-1 i want soo much add this in smw hack
Anas Link
I noticed another bug which is fortunately simple to fix: if you use this code to make a custom block slippery:

	LDA $72
	BNE done

	LDA #$01		;Note: you can copy this entire code and paste them
	STA !Freeram_MarioSlip	;in other blocks to make them slippery like Icy Melting Blocks
				;from Ersanio. (make sure that the top offset runs the code).

Then the slippery physics won't work in layer 2 levels. Therefore, you must change the '$72' to '$1471|!addr'. Also, BrownBuddy, I couldn't replicate the bug on my side. Not to mention, the vanilla slippery flag doesn't work when you turn it on in LM anyways. In that case, you can use 'GM14.asm' as level code.
DaHitmenGuy Link
Originally posted by BrownBuddy
Are these blocks responsible for a bug that occurs with levels connected to Slippery levels? This bug seems different from what everyone below me is talking about but if it's the same as below, someone let me know!

The bug is: If Mario exits a slippery level via a pipe to a normal level and changes his player status (i.e gets hurt or gets a powerup) the normal level transforms into a slippery level.

Yes, I'm agree with Hayashi Neru, we need an update with SA-1 compatible, fix slippery level bug and new slippery platforms and ledges. It was 4 years without an update
BrownBuddy Link
Are these blocks responsible for a bug that occurs with levels connected to Slippery levels? This bug seems different from what everyone below me is talking about but if it's the same as below, someone let me know!

The bug is: If Mario exits a slippery level via a pipe to a normal level and changes his player status (i.e gets hurt or gets a powerup) the normal level transforms into a slippery level.
olgdeldnem Link
I think it would use SMM's Ice Block GFX.
Anas Link
If you use these blocks in tandem with GHB's pipes in an SA-1 ROM, the pipes'll act weird even if there's no free RAM conflict between them. To fix that, just go to SlipperyDefines.asm and change the $7F in '!Freeram_SpriteSlip' and '!Freeram_SpriteSlipFlag' to $41. Make sure both copies of that file are up to date, of course! It took me many months starting from the beginning of this year to figure this out.
Hayashi Neru Link
This is need update.
1. SA-1 compatible
2. Two different slippery degrees
3. fix slippery level bug
 Major Flare Link
Found a little problem: if you insert the uberASM code as a game mode, you just sacrificed LM's slippery level options from level header for all levels.
 MarioFanGamer Link
I haven't found any problems so it got an approval (of course, it is a rather minor update anyway).
HammerBrother Author Link
Yes, its an update.
chineesmw Link
I could've sworn this was created before. What was updated?
The Thunder Productions Link
Oh, PLEASE let this pass moderation, PLEASE! I have been waiting for something like these.
AntiDuck From older version: Perfect Slippery Blocks Link
Can someone help me understand how to insert this through UberASMTool?
HammerBrother Author From older version: Perfect Slippery Blocks Link
DiscoTheBat From older version: Perfect Slippery Blocks Link
Well, it is wise to make use of UberASM than wasting block space. I like the way this is done. Good work!
HammerBrother Author From older version: Perfect Slippery Blocks Link
Actually, how this works is that when the freeram flag is set by the block, the uberasm code will clear it AND sets the slippery flag. However, if the freeram flag is already cleared, then it will clear the slippery flag. This is so that it can clear when the player gets off of the block.