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Automatic Alternating Jumps

UberASM Repository → Automatic Alternating Jumps

Submission Details

Name: Automatic Alternating Jumps
Author: Catobat
Type: Level
Includes GFX: No
Includes Hijack: No
Featured: No
Description: This makes the player alternate continuously between a normal jump and a spinjump.

Note that due to the way this is made, it doesn't work with sprite platforms. Also, it's SA-1 hybrid.
Tags: automatic jump lorom sa-1 spinjump
Comments: 3 (jump to comments)
5.0 (1 rating)
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Download 433 bytes | 330 downloads


Comments (3)

Akutarex Link
O Mario parece que ta no mundo da maconha, gostei
 mathie Link
I merely converted an already existing code in the process of sprite remoderation, to be honest. But these are very good points so I'll try to remember to update this code someday.
 MarioFanGamer Link
Added a check whether Mario stands on a sprite platform or not. This means, this sprite behaves weirdly on spring boards but better than no effect when standing on sprite platforms, no?

Other then that, this sprite works as intended.
However, there are a couple other stuff which you could have been fixed. For example, this sprite code doesn't detect whether you are in a pipe or not (Mario jumps all the time, albeit only acoustically) and you still jump during the goal march (though it should be optional whether the code really checks whether a goal is active or not).