Name: | New Super Mario Bros. SNES |
Author: | Mr. Pixelator |
Added: | |
Demo: | Yes |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 21 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Normal |
Description: | When Luigi goes missing after supposedly having left for the store, Mario sets out to find him in yet another huge adventure. Except, it's just a demo again, so, not that huge, I guess. Features: • Two worlds totaling 16 levels to play • Custom ASM (blocks, sprites, whatever) • Custom power-ups • Other stuff that I can't remember because I'm an idiot Update: Made it so that the BPS patch actually works, because once again, I'm an idiot. Also, added a side exit to the "End of demo" level, because people might want to be able to get out of the level. |
Tags: | asm exgfx hdma music powers traditional |
Comments: | 23 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
808.60 KiB | 25,178 downloads
Comments (23)
But its demo yes?
too many enemys/slow downs.
softlock potencial. the easiest is to play "spicy secret" and enter the one blue pipe with yoshi. it tells you to press up to continue (to enter a door i assume) but since you are on yoshi this is not possible. you cant get off him either because its only a 1 tile wide area.
like already mentioned, in world 2 all paths are enabled so there is basically no reason to do any of the levels.
the hack itself is really beautiful, i'd rate it hard tho because there are soooo many enemys and with the slowdowns it can be frustrating. i love the idea of powerups that are not vanilla. ice flower was always my favorite.
its close to the 4* but not enough. i can still recommend this hack
Take this from someone who beat battletoads legit.
First off, every path in World 2 is enabled by default except Castle -> World 3, so you can just head straight for the pyramid at the start- may want to fix this!
Second, your puzzles in the two Switch Palaces are....way too long and frustrating. Your punishment for messing up even once is to go back to the start, and it's very, very easy to make a small mistake. I got too frustrated at the puzzle in Yellow Switch that I never completed it- I just gave up. Green Switch's puzzle is far easier, but still frustrating due to its length. It also doesn't feel like you're really building an interesting puzzle with it, you primarily just use the same 3 kinds of setups without really building upon all of them to make more interesting challenges. For example, you have 3 bouncy sections with Mushrooms. The first one is easy, the second one has you weaving under single columns to make sure you don't get a mushroom, and then the last is a long "snake" of mushrooms bouncing. This is good, I like the progression, though the snake is easier than the bounce before it- perhaps swap them? Now look at the setup of "mushrooms on sprite-solid blocks". At first, it's simple ducking and weaving, and then at the end you have one more...which is the same thing but shorter, and there's two trap mushrooms inside the blocks. But you can just run under them, and there's only really one obstacle mushroom. That's not much of an obstacle if you ask me, and I don't see much progression. Why not try to utilize the instakill Gears from the World 2 castle here? That way you still have a moving obstacle to avoid, but there's still no benefit to grabbing the Mushrooms because you can't just take damage to get rid of it. Just an idea, you don't have to use it.
Lastly, you have HDMA issues- every time you end a level, the colors start flashing. This has the potential of triggering peoples' epilepsy if they have it, so you may want to find a fix for this. If you can't get it to work with the HDMA, I'd recommend either changing the goal style, or warping to a room with no HDMA.
Overall, a great start, but marred by long, frustrating, punishing Switch Palace puzzles.
This hack is outstanding!
so good gfx and nice music choices!
there are a few bugs with the goal...
when you reach it everything except mario and the background colour do not get black.
but after mario makes the V sign it starts to blink every second.
so i hope you fix that.
and the 2 custom powerups are also really nice!
an ice flower and boomerang suit,....
I would like to see the tanooki leaf or hammer suit.
they would fit so good!
please put in the tanooki leaf please.
but overall a pretty sweet hack!
nice work.