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Boomerang Bro

SMW Sprites → Boomerang Bro

Submission Details

Name: Boomerang Bro
Author: Sonikku
Tool: PIXI
Type: Standard
Dynamic: No
Disassembly: No
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: A Boomerang Bro from Super Mario Bros. 3. It walks back and forth, occasionally hopping and periodically throwing two boomerangs, which it will later try to catch.

It throws an extended sprite boomerang. The included ExtendedGetDrawInfo fixes a crash in PIXI's, so it is highly recommended you replace it with it.

Make sure to specify the extended sprite number of the boomerang (extended/boomerang.asm) from list.txt in the Boomerang Bro's ASM file (sprites/BoomerangBro.asm)!
Tags: boomerang boomerang bro bros brother enemy extended sprites lorom sa-1 smb 3 smb3 super mario bros 3 throw
Comments: 6 (jump to comments)
3.0 (1 rating)
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Comments (6)

HammerBrother Link
Juguing from the image, the boomerang swings around a lot smoother using natural acceleration (Take the sprite X speed, and increment/decrement it) physics rather than suddenly change direction.
Anas Link
Wanna have a version of this Boomerang Bro using mikeyk's tilemap, which is much smaller? Get it here! (includes the Fire Bro as well) Please credit RussianMan. He also made it so that the boomerang extended sprite is spinjumpable.
Dynamite Link
The file for the boomerang extended sprite is poorly formatted; I can barely follow what is going on in the file because of everything being on one row of text. As a result, I'm particularly clueless on how to change the palette the boomerang uses so that its shading is what it shows to be in the screenshot.

The sprite itself for some reason does not want to pick up the boomerangs it throws. Every time I used it, the boomerangs fly past it and off the screen, like the other boomerang bro sprite on this site.

If these two things are fixed, I would be content with this sprite.

Edit: This sprite is sometimes immune to koopa shells thrown at it; it's selective on which levels or circumstances cause this, so I am not sure if it is due to the sprite's coding alone.
El Cuh Fermin Link
I wanted to add a sound effects of this sprite. I dont know how to add in the line.
 RussianMan Link
For some reason it gives me a lot of errors related with boomerang's labels. E: Because they're not what they are. (mostly)
EDIT: Neverm, I probably used wrong version. I have no idea how it happened.
 Telinc1 Link
Converted to PIXI and added SA-1 compatibility. I also fixed a bug in the original which corrupted $1602 for the sprite in slot 0 or 1. A nice and easy to use Boomerang Bro. Using extended sprites is a massive advantage because the boomerangs won't create as much slowdown and won't take up sprite slots.

Also includes a JSON file which can be used instead of the CFG file with PIXI 1.2 or above.

This was originally part of Sonikku's C3 2013 sprite pack and was submitted to the section with his permission.