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Super Mario World Hacks → Claustrophobia

Submission Details

Name: Claustrophobia
Author: NaroGugul
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 96 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Expert
Description: Claustrophobia is a "1-screen" levels kaizo hack.

Notice this is not a real "puzzle" hack, but due to the nature of 1-screen levels it may present puzzle features.
The intention here is more to test the players skills than his ability to solve problems, even though theres a lot of figuring out to do.

You will find 3 playable modes:

A short tutorial just to show some custom stuff you may find in the hack. I highly recommend playing it before entering the levels.

Its the normal game with an open overworld. You can play the rooms any order you want. Will have to fight a boss every 8 beaten levels. 96 rooms/12 bosses total.
** Important: Bosses will keep appearing on unbeaten levels until you beat them. So even if you press start+select to exit the boss and enter another unbeaten level you will have to fight the boss again and beat it to save your progress. They will not show up if you enter a level that has been beaten already.

This mode will select either 8, 16 or 24 random rooms to play based on a given number sequence. Can be used for a fun race with friends or maybe for some random practice.
Two-player mode can be used for fun team races (Alternate players every death).
(Notice that some levels have higher probability of getting selected, and theres a very VERY VERY small chance of getting some levels repeated.)

About the 2-player mode:
Due to some weird bugs the two-player mode of the "normal game" was removed. So even if the two-player mode is selected the game will remain as a one-player game.
Tutorial and race can be played by two players, alternating players every death.

With all that said, intermediate and advanced players will probably have the most fun of it.
Beginners will probably have a hard time figuring out what to do or perfoming it.
But don´t get discouraged, beating this hack will raise your kaizo skills by at least 360%!! Guaranteed!!

Be warned:
There will be all kinds of BS
There will be jank
There will be tight spots
And I hope theres at least one or other thing you have never seen before


Version 1.1 (more detailed log inside the zip file)

- Overall, made the game a bit less tight and hopefully much more enjoyable / less frustrating
- Added L+R reset/suicide

Version 1.2 (more detailed log inside the zip file)

- More nerfs
- Patched wallclips and double spinjump deaths
- Removed fireballs from boss 12
- Vertical pipes easier to enter

Version 1.2.1
- Fixed invisible spikes on Room 42
Tags: asm exgfx gimmick hdma music original graphics puzzle
Comments: 40 (jump to comments)
4.7 (11 ratings)
No rating
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Comments (40)

Kimota Link
I didn't enjoy this, but let me start positive. The presentation is top notch. Aside from a few issues with visual clarity (which is more of a gameplay concern), this hack looks and sounds fantastic. The little intro screens at the start of each level were super charming, and damn near every song slapped. I liked the way bosses were handled, appearing every eight exits, and most of the non-Wendy fights were cool. The core mechanic of one-screen rooms that transform after hitting a magic P-switch is clever and sounds fun, at least in theory.

The level design is where I have all my issues. The warning in the description does not lie: there is jank, there is extreme tightness. On top of this, there is a lot of waiting. The stages lack flow, with movement consistently feeling jerky, awkward, and cramped. There is the natural tightness of the gimmick, but there is also the extra tightness included to pad the difficulty.

As for the cool-in-theory magic P-switch gimmick, in practice it usually ends up with the player taking several frustrating deaths just to figure out what is even going on. The instant retry works against the player in this regard, because you have no time to assess what changed in the level. It also doesn't feel true to the one-screen gimmick if the level can just become something else entirely. Overall, the one-screen gimmick imposes an interesting challenge on the creator, but does nothing to improve the player's experience. On the contrary, I felt most levels would be much more fun if the obstacles were less cramped and spaced out over a few screens.

The hack felt more difficult than it was. It only took me around 15 hours to beat (averaging under 10 min per exit), but the deaths felt so punishing or obnoxious that it sucked the joy out of it for me. I could see the thought and effort that went in, but it was impossible for me to appreciate through the frustration.
IkeSMB Link
Very unique hack, especially given the time it released! I was surprised with the variety of obstacles that could be pulled off given the constraint of single room levels. The feel was reminiscent of playing a kaizo hard hack due to the shorter but tighter sections, but more rewarding since it's clear what the author intended the section lengths to be.
idealiter Link
I was warned:
There was all kinds of BS
There was jank
There were tight spots

But it was also tons of fun.

I didn't expect every room to be my cup of tea in a 96 exit/room hack, and some of the bosses are honestly more annoying than anything else. But there are also many, many rooms with very creative and unique setups.

All in all this is an amazing and outstanding hack that set the tone for the whole genre of one-screen hacks.
ScatmanJones49 Link
So I was at 80 exits and I loaded a boss save state accidentally, immediately turned my system off and was kicked back to 71 exits and decided 80 was good enough

This hack is one of a kind and it taught me so much; I believe this is an important piece of kaizo history and it should never be forgotten, Naro you did (and always will) do a wonderful job. I’m a better player and creator because of this hack. I hope you read this and know that you effected at least one person with your work and it wasn’t in vain.

Side note
Your save system sucks

Love scatman
jquery861 Link
Still 3/4 of the game to beat, but it is one of my favorites so far. Glad I decided to start this one. Thank you Naro!
Manored Link
This looks fun but its haaaaard. I couldn't even get past the tutorial. I feel like it asks the player to do too many things that require ridiculous precision. Picking up a blue block while jumping off it? I mean yeah that's a thing you can do, but its hard to do it reliably, and the hack asks you to. On the tutorial!
Donald1111 Link
Go play some beginner kaizo hacks first. That trick is one of the most common used tricks in Kaizo hacks.
Karlboud88 Link
Any particular reason why Mario keeps dying upon appearing in room 1 and as soon as I reach water in the tutorial? I'm playing on SD2SNES btw
domenyX Link
My favorite Kaizo Hack! Top 1 :) Congrats, Naro!
Braixen Link
Rooms 30 and 85 have music with Golden Sun - Isaac Battle Theme

Room 32 has music with Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire - Zinnia Battle theme
juzcook Link
I'm a bit late on leaving a review for this one. I would place this in my top 3 favourite hacks so far. The amount of creativity crammed into each single-screen level is insane. While it was pretty tight, it felt totally fair the entire way through, with most levels taking no more than 10-15 minutes. I personally enjoyed the "figuring out the level" phase of each stage the most, trying to predict what would happen next. Fantastic work.
 LouisDoucet Link
This hack is absolutely amazing, with great level design and very good structure, along with so many levels and very creative bosses. It's easy to get back into the stage when you die, and there are some great ideas I've never seen in any other hack, both vanilla and custom. I'd recommend this hack if anybody wants hard challenges that won't overly frustrate them with the length and tedium that a lot of harder kaizo hacks tend to offer.
 Linkdeadx2 Link
awesome work!
Sicc Link
OMG. It is so hard somebody help me how to play Kaizo. I'm really too bad playing Kaizo.
chineesmw Link
Wow, I don't think I have claustrophobia, but just thinking that a full hack has nothing but compacted (tight) levels triggers me in some way, lol.

This is a neat concept, nonetheless.
NeXuS15 Link
Definetly one of the best kaizo hacks i've played. Very unique setups and overall great level Design.

You got rid of all the remaining super tight spots with this update which is really appreciated. Also, thank you for making the pipes easier to enter :D

5/5 Thanks for making this hack
Dode From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Let me start by saying that this hack is excellent, innovative, challenging, well thought out, and one of the best new hacks I've played in a while. Now then, from an extremely critical perspective, here are some things that I believe could be improved:

1. Layer 2 crush in the first and last Reznor fights. In the "half-cocked" state before the crusher went down, it would kill Mario half the time and not kill him half the time. Not sure if there's a fix for this but sometimes a bad fireball would force the player to chance it.

2. Offscreen death in the top right of level 47 without indication.

3. Level 47 (and I think one or two others): moving platform kills Mario on edge of screen.

4. While most levels stayed around the same difficulty, there were certainly a few that were difficult either due to trickiness or jankiness. I found the last 10 levels or so to be a bit easier than most, unless that's because I was getting used to it.

All in all, that covers the bulk of my qualms. I know the main purpose of this patch was to implement the framerule collision patch, which I have to say was nice. It definitely fixed the Reznor ceiling jank. Some places were made a little tighter with the patch in but not enough to create jankiness, so I'd call it a success. To my understanding, you're already addressing the aforementioned issues and then some. Looking forward to using the race mode once that's done.

Nice job! 5/5 :D
NeXuS15 From older version: Claustrophobia Link
This is definetly one of the best kaizo hacks i played in recent memory.
Steven From older version: Claustrophobia Link
this hack is so incredibly cool. everything in this hack is incredibly creative, and i love the concept. i'd say my favorite feature of the hack is the large amount of blocks that do things that would normally be impossible in vanilla smw. very good work!
danwaleby From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Wow, this game looks great, I really enjoyed it. But...I'm definitely not a kaizo player, I tried all 96 rooms and couldn't beat one xD 5*
ZALGOX From older version: Claustrophobia Link
really good hack
blaze800000 From older version: Claustrophobia Link
good hack
TurquoiseIcy From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Really good hack, creative. Well designed, some stages were a bit janky specially level 2 with it's boo. Definitely a beginner hack, great for starters (Like me). My favorite levels were 1, 4, 96, and 8.
Jpeg321 From older version: Claustrophobia Link
 Linkdeadx2 From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Awesome hack. I had a lot of fun (and frustration!) with it.

Aesthetics fit well with the style of the hack and are beautifully done. One of the more visually appealing kaizo hacks I've played.

The concept is great, and while it does lead to extremely tight platforming, most of the levels are done very creatively and within reason.

Difficulty: 4/5
kaitri From older version: Claustrophobia Link
hell yea i did it! i beat the entire thing and i loved it.
i have to say tho i used savestates.

less than 16 rooms made me think "wtf am i supposed to do" but it felt so good when i figured it out <3
for 96 one screen kaizo rooms (and 8 bosses which is why i'd say the hack has 104 exits) its pretty cool i thought the rooms would get heavy repetetive. but they didnt.

i only managed to break room 87(i think?) a bit, but besides that a really solid hack! i enjoyed it a lot.
but i cant stress enough: USE SAVESTATES! for real.

i cant say anything bad about this hack, the only sad thing is im not sure if theres a way to replay the bossfights AND theres nothing if you beat all 104 stages.

besides that, a really fun challenge that i can only recommend!

ps: a list of all the used songs (and a youtube playlist on every room, just in case) would be awesome!
Braixen From older version: Claustrophobia Link
This is exactly what I'm saying, @NaroGugul. It is of course
NaroGugul Author From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Braixen From older version: Claustrophobia Link
What is the song played in Room 85?
tchfunkta From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Interesting, I re-patched and loaded to the Everdrive and now it works on console! Cool, excited to check it out!
NeXuS15 From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Just finished this hack and had tons of fun with it. 5/5*
white_moth From older version: Claustrophobia Link
seems to work fine for me on console with everdrive. excited to check this out!
tchfunkta From older version: Claustrophobia Link
I'm using everdrive on console
NaroGugul Author From older version: Claustrophobia Link
if anyone is having trouble figuring out what to do heres a walkthrough
theres a few slight differences to a couple of levels, but thats basically it.
S.R.H. From older version: Claustrophobia Link
those original graphics. unf
NaroGugul Author From older version: Claustrophobia Link
@tchfunkta whats your setup (snes classic, mini, sd2snes, everdrive, etc)?
can anyone else confirm this?
fatelifesthefans From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Bitch!It's Too Hard!Not To Hard,But Kaizo Hard
tchfunkta From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Aww, on console it loads the Naro screen then goes black and only plays music
HLXY From older version: Claustrophobia Link
I've been waiting this for a long time...
PaperWario From older version: Claustrophobia Link
Claustrophobia is out? HELL YES!