Name: | Korosu Mario World 2 |
Author: | ChrisG___ |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 21 exit(s) |
Type: | Kaizo: Intermediate |
Description: | With Mario still having all the fun; Luigi wanted in on the action again. So here he is in the sequel to his first adventure, Korosu Mario World. But this time; it's not Peach who needs saving, so who could it be? --- There are too many changes to list them all, but main points are: - Reworked most levels - Removed a decent number of trolls - Removed Autowalk level - Added a new level - Fixed overworld imperfections - Added custom music |
Tags: | asm traditional vanilla |
Comments: | 10 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
288.01 KiB | 5,299 downloads
Comments (10)
Thank you Chris for delivering a truly wonderful sequel to one of the great romhacks of history.
I would not put it among my favorites tho, there were many infuriating trolls (and to my surprise, on the edits it says many trolls have been removed). This is just personal taste. But I don't like to grind a very difficult level, finally go through a tough part, and then be denied by something unfair.
I am a big supporter of the idea that a hack can be really difficult and still be fun and fair, without having to put Kaizo blocks here and there, or other trolls.
I'm sorry if the creator finds this critique unfair, after all the hard work that went into this (by the way free) content, but I wanted to share my honest experience with the game.
Levels are very straight forward and doesnt require much figuring out to do. Everything seems to be optimized for 1st cycling, so just go with the flow seems to be the best strat here.
As a critique, there are many overused tricks, and sometimes it feels a bit repetitive/uncreative.
Unfortunately the hack is locked so i couldnt easily count, but i could bet there are way over 100 grey falling platforms in the hack (EDIT: roughly counted 86). As well as like around 40+ thwomps (maybe exageration.. but theres a lot).
*Changed to 21 exits. Last castle clear doesnt save to sram.
If like me you're getting really tired of those, maybe it's not the best hack. If not, then definitely go for it.