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Yoshi's Adventure 64 1.2b

Super Mario 64 Hacks → Yoshi's Adventure 64 1.2b

Submission Details

Name: Yoshi's Adventure 64 1.2b
Author: usernamesarentimportant
Version History: View
Difficulty: Intermediate
Demo: No
Length: 56 star(s)
Description: No, this hack doesn't have Yoshi eating enemies or fluttering. Sorry.
Yoshi has entered the Luna Valley of the island, looking to find the power stars and find Bowser to see why he's dispersed them. On the way, he goes to the moon, finds other sunglass wearing Yoshis, a land of Candy, a strange mine of diamonds, and more! Even a ghost house... or two. There are many ways to reach each level, including entrances within entrances! Technically, this is a part 1, and part 2 will probably be out much later as I want to do other things.
Fixed CiC Errors
Video Link: None
Tags: adventure large worlds linear more objects music textures traditional yoshi yoshi's
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