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Relative teleport blocks 1.3

SMW Blocks → Relative teleport blocks 1.3

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Comments (16)

MrInfinite Link
every time I teleport my character disappears
Black Goku Link
This is a block, not a patch.
BrownBuddy Link
I am unable to make it past the ASAR insertion stage. I think I've followed all your instructions but I keep getting this error:

sram_table.asm:36: error: (E5060): Label 'Freeram_RelCoorWarp' wasn't found. [dl Freeram_RelCoorWarp]
sram_table.asm:37: error: (E5060): Label 'Freeram_PlayerInfoSave' wasn't found. [dl Freeram_PlayerInfoSave]
El Cuh Fermin Link
That would be great for any levels.
 Major Flare Link
Minor corrections made regarding including sources. Works fine both in LoROM and SA-1 ROMs.
Kazkek From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
It looks like uberasmtool was updated to have a "define_sprite_table" macro. When trying to import this file using UberAsmTool it complains about duplicate macro for "define_sprite_table". A quick find/replace for "define_sprite_table" in SA1SpriteForUberasmTool.asm and replace it with whatever name you want fixes the issue.
Queman From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
You could make sort of a darkened cave entrance block with these.
PaperWario From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
Portal Gun when
HammerBrother Author From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link

oh crud:
	LDA !Freeram_PlayerInfoSave
	BEQ .RestoreCodeEnd

	PHX					;>X is still being used

	REP #$20				;>16-bit A
	LDX #$02				;>Start loop counter/What position to use

	LDA $94,x				;\Adjust player position
	CLC					;|
	ADC !Freeram_RelCoorWarp,x		;|
	STA $94,x				;/
	DEX #2					;>Next index/position value
	BPL ..Loop				;>Loop if 0 or positive
	SEP #$20

	PLX					;>Restore X of something else.

	LDA $13BF
	CMP #$24

I forgot to add a check if the warp is normal to skip displacing the player's position. I assume that I set the displace values to 0 when doing a normal warp, my bad.
 MarioFanGamer From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
Originally posted by GreenHammerBro
@MarioFanGamer: uh
Originally posted by uberasm GM14 init
	LDA #$00				;>A = #$00
	CMP !Freeram_PlayerInfoSave		;\If regular warp, don't set player
	BEQ .Return				;/info.
	STA !Freeram_PlayerInfoSave		;>Clear itself so when switching to normal doesn't screw up.

that was ment to prevent applying the physics to the next level if other than teleport blocks.

The physics weren't the problem (I mean, hello, I can read ASM cdoes too). In fact, I never even addresses the UberASM code.
I rather meant the positions which are handeled by the patch instead of UberASM and it used to not check whether it was a relative teleport or not. I mean, if you still have got the old version (you know, before I accepted this patch) or remove the check, just do a regular teleport after a relative teleport and see what I mean.
HammerBrother Author From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
@MarioFanGamer: uh
Originally posted by uberasm GM14 init
	LDA #$00				;>A = #$00
	CMP !Freeram_PlayerInfoSave		;\If regular warp, don't set player
	BEQ .Return				;/info.
	STA !Freeram_PlayerInfoSave		;>Clear itself so when switching to normal doesn't screw up.

that was ment to prevent applying the physics to the next level if other than teleport blocks. During testing, yoshi had weird bugs that I can't fix, such as glitch facing pose (hard to reproduce).
leod From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
Originally posted by Hallo
Was macht man jetzt hier?

Wo? Mit dem Block? Den benutzt man mit GPS, so wie alle Blöcke.


Originally posted by Hallo
So what does one do here?

Where? With the block? You use it with GPS, like all other blocks too.
 MarioFanGamer From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
For smoother transitions (as seen in e.g. Metroid where you still are in the same position you have entered the door), this patch is made for you. You might want to consider to use Horizontal Scroll Fix, though, as the blocks you place, are most likely be placed at the very end of a level.

I also have fixed a serious issue with the patch as it didn't take account whether it was a regular or relative teleport so it also moved Mario when the teleportation came through other means (like doors or pipes).
There also were some other, minor issues, namely that Yoshi always faces to the right and the ducking and sliding state isn't preserved.
zacmario From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
I've hoped for a long time to see this effect. Thanks.
HammerBrother Author From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
Thanks, I've found a code that handles setting the player's position during warp, and by using RAM as displacement, I can override that position to rely on the displacement prior teleporting. It has to displace XY after the code gets 100% done calculating the coordinates, else there are bugs. Be careful with extending the blocks vertically, smw's screen X position is automatically set to the player's pos, but the Y position is set by level (Layer 1 Init Y pos). Luckily it isn't a major problem when there are no V scroll.
 Blind Devil From older version: Relative teleport blocks Link
lol you beat me to it

Anyway, these are pretty neat blocks. Well done!