Name: | Grand Poo World 2 |
Author: | Barbarian |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 23 exit(s) |
Type: | Kaizo: Expert |
Description: | Grand Poo World 2 is the sequel to one of the hardest Kaizo: Light hacks ever made. This game features challenging levels, custom music, secret paths and unique bosses. Unlike its predecessor, this game features both instant retry and a save block in Yoshi's house so that the player can now keep their midways when turning off their console. The levels of Grand Poo World 2 were designed to emphasize tight platforming and unique design over item tricks involving shells and springs and such. Unfortunately, I am still a jerk; this game features trolls that at times will be funny, at other times cruel. I make no apologies. This hack, like its predecessor, is dedicated to my good friend GrandPooBear. Extra special thanks to Kaizoman, Nexus, Dode, com_poser, DantheVP and Freakin_Ha for all of their efforts helping me make and playtest this beast. I couldn't have done any of this without you all. Good luck, have fun. I hope you enjoy my game. ************** 1.1 edits - Minor level edits (spike and muncher placements) - Chuck boss tweaks to prevent OOB glitches - Final boss exploit removed, boss now telegraphs moves better - New secret at the end of the credits - Overworld errors corrected (I hope) |
Tags: | bosses custom music less exgfx music secrets traditional |
Comments: | 85 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
1.12 MiB | 36,034 downloads
Comments (85)
You owe it to yourself as a fan of the genre to play this hack at some point in your journey. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
Final Rating = 5/5 A Must Play
With GPW1, I really felt the difficulty was derived from long sections of demanding technical play. GPW2 is more nuanced and more balanced - but make no mistake, this is a very difficult game. Nothing was unfair, however Mirkwood was extremely tight. The Eyrie probably took me close to 8 hours broken up over a few days, as it was easily one of the most difficult
Nevertheless, the higher difficulty should be expected; this is an expert level hack. All in all, this game was extremely fun. Danger Zone, Weathertop, and the House of the Undying were standout levels for me in terms of just extremely fun gameplay. Like Invictus, I had done so much reading about how tough the final boss was that it didn't seem so bad when I actually got there. Instead of something I was dreading, it turned out to be really well designed and lots of fun, and was a challenge but nothing too extreme. The best way for me to describe it would be to say that the final boss fight was extremely satisfying. It really did feel perfect.
In summary this game is an unbelievably worthy successor to GPW1, as Barb delivered on the core tenet of what video games should be all about: Fun. It's not just a matter of making the game hard, the game must be fun to play before that. Make sure you take a little time to do
Best of luck in future endeavours, Barbarousking.
I first completed Grand Poo World 2 around 2 years ago when the kaizo community was full of hype, excitement, and anticipation. I picked it up for a second playthrough recently, and I’m so glad I did.
Grand Poo World 2 is incredible, and I definitely did not appreciate it for what it is during my first playthrough, primarily because I absolutely got my ass handed to me as a relatively new kaizo player. The first time I played through GPW2, it took over 90 hours - this time took less than 20.
I can’t speak highly enough of the level design, the color palettes, the music, the secrets – everything was placed with intention, which results in a fantastic gaming experience that keeps making the player say “Alright, just one more level.” Playing through a second time truly felt like one of those late nights staying at a friend’s house, where all we wanted to do was play video games all night. As weird as it sounds, I had this intense feeling of nostalgia while playing through this hack again.
The overall atmosphere is really unique and lends itself to the theme of exploration and progression through the islands of the game. In particular, as you get closer to the northern part of the map and approach the dark cliffs in the distance, it actually starts to feel creepy.
I wish I could forget
Grand Poo World 2 is an incredible hack and game that every kaizo player must play, provided your skills are up to par. It’s not to say that you won’t enjoy it otherwise, but speaking from experience: the better you are at kaizo, the more you’ll enjoy it and the higher the appreciation you’ll have for it.
Looking forward to Grand Poo World 3.
Thanks Barb.
Look here
Never forget the barbPeak
5 Stars!
Maybe someday my hands will cooperate enough for me to have a fighting chance, but until then... staring at a bridge too far.
This is by no means an easy game, but if you are up to the challenge, you are in for a truly amazing game.
Of course there were things I didnt like and some of them required lots of deaths to figure out what to do next, but that doesnt affect the rating for this hack by too much.
I wished the puzzle would have been optional and not a must do thing like a sidequest or something. After you beat the bad ending you are left with nothing. Looking for a track in the entire game was a bit tedious to me and my chat provided me some gentle hints.
Anyways, I'll give this great hack 5/5.
Fish gates. Fish gates hah. Amazing work as expected, Barb, congrats.
Kappa. This is a great hack and a work of Kaizo mastery. Not for the faint of heart, but oh so rewarding. Rarely does any game so live up to or exceed the hype leading up to its release. GPW2 has done that, and raised the bar to a higher level for subsequent hacks. I've enjoyed every level I've played, no matter how difficult. This is very much worth the pain (and there will be pain). Congrats Barb.
Oh, and the soundtrack is really good. Nice job for all the composers who created the music for this hack.