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NSMB Star Coins

SMW Patches → NSMB Star Coins

Submission Details

Name: NSMB Star Coins
Author: lx5
Version History: View
Tool: Asar
Requires Free Space: Yes
Bug Fix: No
Featured: No
Description: This resource tries to emulate the Star Coins of NSMB series and includes some variations:

- 32x32 Star coins
- 16x32 Star coins (Pretty much a Yoshi Coin)
- 16x16 Star coins (Like a golden coin... I think)

You can have up to eight star coins in each level!

The pack contains a lot of files, make sure that you read the readme file included to know what to do with those files.
Tags: counter dragon coin lorom nsmb sa-1 save star coin
Comments: 20 (jump to comments)
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Comments (20)

LOLRyan2006 the Goombud Link
Very great patch!
 MarioFanGamer Link
"(I)ncluded custom start coin objects"? In fact, that isn't even a fix, just what you're supposed to do...
Custom objects need to be manually inserted and the star coin obects start from 98. You can see which object is which in the readme.
Misterfan2000 Link
Originally posted by MarioFanGamer
You have to use the included custom star coin objects. Direct Map16 object only place their tiles without any condition (exception: Conditional Map16) so they can't remember whether they have been collected or not.

How can I fix it?? There's a tutorial or something?
DragonflyShadows Link
Originally posted by DragonflyShadows
Can you redo the shading to be more like the shading on the 10/30/50 coins from SMM2? Once SMM2's out, I feel like most hacks are going to use them (or at least the 10 coin versions), so these Star Coins'll look out of place.
Here's my attempt. Bits of it look under-shaded and other bits look over-shaded, but I guess that's what I get for using a screenshot of the tile editor for reference.
DragonflyShadows Link
Can you redo the shading to be more like the shading on the 10/30/50 coins from SMM2? Once SMM2's out, I feel like most hacks are going to use them (or at least the 10 coin versions), so these Star Coins'll look out of place.
 MarioFanGamer Link
You have to use the included custom star coin objects. Direct Map16 object only place their tiles without any condition (exception: Conditional Map16) so they can't remember whether they have been collected or not.
In fact, look at Dragon Coins or better yet, at the !-blocks: Both. Map16 Dragon Coins may be disappear but only locally and they reappear if you reload the room and !-blocks (outlines and filled) never change even if you pressed their corresponding switch.
chineesmw Link
I'm on the same boat as @Misterfan2000.

I enabled SRAM and the Star Coin ASM saves correctly when I get the midpoint, but the Star Coin Block does not save.
Misterfan2000 Link
I have a problem:

When I restart a level where I get all the Star Coins, they're reappear
Any solutions?
 MarioFanGamer Link
Originally posted by Blind Devil
I fixed some overlooked/faulty SA-1 conversion on shared routines


Originally posted by Blind Devil
and also coded a 32x32 sprite version of the Star Coin for PIXI

Noice one! Though it also would be nice if the star coin also had the option to be a Dragon Coin or a small star coin too.
 Blind Devil Link
Tested with Asar v1.71, SNES9x v1.58, in both normal and SA-1 ROMs.

I fixed some overlooked/faulty SA-1 conversion on shared routines, and also coded a 32x32 sprite version of the Star Coin for PIXI which could be useful for some people (I happened to have been fulfilling a request related to this and it was just the perfect opportunity to bundle it for everybody lol). Anyway, everything works nicely, so it's accepted.
Humberto Quackenbush From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
When I try to add this via GPS, it comes up with the message saying the star coin's block ID is out of range.
Hayashi Neru From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
Please update SA-1
ToadShupak From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
Is it possible to use this without GPS and without all the custom coins. I want the functionality but to use the original dragon coins...
 Ringo From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
Did it, works very well now!

Also people might want to check DownRight: in custobjcode.asm and change every "DownLeft" to "DownRight" which were left there unintentionally. If you don't, have fun with your fourth to eighth 32x32 coin having its lower right tile being wrong.
lx5 Author From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
Mirann: Are you still inserting the blocks via Direct Map16?

Try inserting them as custom objects in Lunar Magic. To do that, press insert while editing Layer 1 and do something like this:

Size/Type/Ext is the Custom Object number, which I believe I added on the readme.

The may look like garbage on Lunar Magic, but they show just fine on the game.
 Ringo From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
For some reason the coins keep reappearing even though I've set the patch to install ObjectTool as well (which I didn't touch anywhere). The patch works really well but a solution to this would be very appreciated.
lx5 Author From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
@Chillahbyte: It's doable in patch's current state. Open StarCoinsDefs.asm and search the defines !FirstPoints, !SecondPoints, and !ThirdPoints. There are comments with some information about these defines.

If the Status bar cut-offs, try reducing the maximum amount of Star Coins in a level by changing !MaxStarCoins define in StarCoinsDefs.asm.
Chillah From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
Looks great and acts great. However, can you make it so collecting three will give you a 1-Up? Also, on my regular SMW file, it seems to make my status bar get cutoff, like seen in the pictures.
TheWorldOfMarioYT From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
This is gonna be good.
MandL27 From older version: NSMB Star Coins Link
Works flawlessly in emulators (as long as you haven't used Powertool's counter-editing patch), but LMSW refuses to let it work. Then again, I doubt LMSW compatibility is a priority with most of these patches.