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Blockreator v1.3

Tools → Blockreator v1.3

Submission Details

Name: Blockreator v1.3
Authors: Kipernal, Major Flare
Version History: View
Operating System: Windows
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Source Available: Yes
Featured: Yes
Website: None
Description: Kipernal's Blockreator that allows you to simply create custom blocks to be inserted with GPS.
The blocks can be created by selected certain conditions and events to occur when the player or a sprite touches the block.
See the readme for details.

- Added the wallrun offsets, as well as fixed various bugs with labels and certain codes not working properly.

v1.3 (Major Flare):
- Added several events, such as a proper give coins routine, Switch Palace tests, ON/OFF Flip status, and more;
- Added some code optimizations: wherever possible, switched "LDA #$00 : STA $RAM" to "STZ $RAM";
- Better SA-1 conversion - now, it converts sprite tables properly. Also, the resultant code is SA-1 hybrid instead of SA-1 restricted.
Tags: custom asm custom block generator
Comments: 47 (jump to comments)
4.6 (7 ratings)
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Comments (47) Link
Originally posted by NopeContest
Originally posted by
you are dumb this only works on gps and this are saying on description of the tool

maybey you are right ... but ... that doesn't change the fact that person was deprived of intelligence if you undestand what i mean ... also 10/100 this tool dont get updates anymore

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 NopeContest Link
Originally posted by
you are dumb this only works on gps and this are saying on description of the tool

There is no need to be rude to someone here for something they did not immediately grasp, but also I would be careful about calling someone dumb when you yourself are replying to a three year old comment.
Davidaparejado Link
How to create hurt block act 130?
gabiel_poli Link
when i exported the code, i placed the file in GPS but when i loaded the game it didn't run the script...
i am a idiot Link
Really good it have many options to choose from
BlueToad Link
Originally posted by Denicentek
i dont really understand the program

This program lets you make a block to do certain things when Mario or sprites interact with it.

Originally posted by Ruiyabi
I can't find set a score.

It's not in the program.
Ruiyabi Link
I can't find set a score.
Denicentek Link
i dont really understand the program
Shiva619 Link
If i got a tool like this for sprites i can make anything
 Major Flare Author Link
Originally posted by TheScratchinator
tried it exported the code and used asar but it didn't work #smw{>:(}

That's because you do not use asar to insert custom blocks; you need Gopher Popcorn Stew.
TheScratchinator Link
tried it exported the code and used asar but it didn't work #smw{>:(} Link
you are dumb this only works on gps and this are saying on description of the tool
Let-chh-a-go Link
OK, so I created a block to increase Mario's speed and inserted it into Lunar Magic with GPS. But how do I access it in Lunar Magic?
WahooMario69 Link
Dominicentek Link
it also allows non ASMers to generate code!

20/10 tool
Koop the Koopa Link
Thiago678 Link
Can someone make a tool for sprites?
I want that tool to make sprites to pixi.
El Cuh Fermin Link
Very useful tool to insert properly.
WahooMario69 Link
JamesD28 Link
Needs to be updated to use the %sprite_block_position() routine as some interactions currently don't work properly. For example, "Destroy block on contact with x sprite" instead destroys the block at Mario's position.

The ability to copy/paste actions and copy actions in a label to other labels would be a good addition. For anything other than simple blocks, manually entering each action for several labels can be tedious, and was ultimately the reason I started learning to edit code directly (not that that's a bad thing).

Great tool otherwise.
 Ayami Link
Dyzen is something similar for sprites, but it's still WIP
armyofwin98 Link
iTom33ro Link
Can you make this tool for sprites?
FelterBr Link
Very handy!
ashtray Link
I get some really strange stuff happening trying to insert these blocks with GPS.

I tried (among other things):

Sprite Vertical ->
If sprite type equal $80 -> Shatter block | kill sprite
- end group

What I expeted was the block and the key getting destroyed on collision.
What happens is random blocks getting destroyed on collision. (mostly the ground) and the key staying intact.

Is this tool not compatible with GPS anymore or did I do something wrong?
Redstonetech181 Link
I was wandering how to add points. I checked in the Score tab but there wasn't an option to add points. Could you please show me the ASM code to add points? I'm a bit new to ASM, but all I need is the syntax. Also, the top of a block is solid regardless if I put "make this block solid" on the "mario above event".
 Major Flare Author Link
Originally posted by MintBreath
When adjusting how long the P-switch timer should go on for, what exactly is this "timer value"? It doesn't go in seconds, but instead in some other unknown format of time.

It goes with frames. In hex, 1E frames are roughly 1 second, so use Window Calculator to help you.
MintBreath Link
When adjusting how long the P-switch timer should go on for, what exactly is this "timer value"? It doesn't go in seconds, but instead in some other unknown format of time.
MrDoubleA Link
This a great tool for people like me who don't know a shred of ASM! In all seriousness though, this is quite a cool and handy tool. Although, is there a way to make something happen without one of the events happening?
gdrdagamer Link
This tool is nice and all, but where's the download to BlockTool Super Deluxe?
derpferpmerp123 From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
TheBiob From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Yeah, I saw some of your stuff in showoff, looks great from what I saw so far. Anyway, if no one is showing any progress by the time GIEPY is fully standardized I would just start doing the asm stuff with the tool.

No clue when that'll be though, all I hear is "soon™"

I also want to add stuff I'm planning on adding to GPS with the next update. Though I'm not entirely sure when that'll be either, probably once 1.60 is accepted assuming I stop being lazy.
Deakula From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Ah. Cool cool. I've been slowly doing some work with it myself such as various UI rearrangements/tweaks, optimizations, and ease of use features like undo/redo, and the ability to save blocks to a custom format that can be imported. If anybody is working on some ASM stuff for it, I'd love to get in contact because ASM is sort of where I fall flat with it.
TheBiob From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Not really. I think someone was doing something with it? like making blocks hybrid instead of the sa-1 option and some other stuff but it's been a while since I've heard from that, dunno if that's still being worked on.

Also, once GIEPY releases this'll probably have to be updated to support it, I'm not quite sure if it even properly supports PIXI at the moment. Might've been part of what was being worked on.

But other than that, I'm not aware of anyone actively working on this.
Deakula From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Is development on this program still active?
randywhatson From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
B try th th iyjrtb get b unbggfg f2f

TheBiob From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
It should just have an option to import really simple custom code blocks tbh

I have other stuff to do though so unless someone else makes it it's probably not going to happen.
Fostelif From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Then at least it should have a function for looking at Lunar Magic ExAnimation variables.
TheBiob From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Add one.

Really though, this is meant for people that don't know asm but want to make simple blocks, if you want to actually work with memory you shouldn't use this kind of tool or at least know enough about how it works to modify it so it works imo
Fostelif From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
I really, really wish this had a function for "If RAM address is..."
josziPL From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Best app ever
LPJ25 From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
This ws really handy
Alcaro From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Try reading the description
Imnever From older version: Blockreator v1.2 Link
Is this like Blocktool? Can I insert custom blocks into my ROM hack with this?
TheOrangeToad From older version: Blockreator v1.1 Link
My First Custom block just not work
Queen Samus From older version: Blockreator v1.1 Link
Is there any Sprite Creator?
HammerBrother From older version: Blockreator v1.1 Link
I found a crash that if you:

1)Search for a routine located on bottom right of window

2)press "add"

Its because the list changes and "dis-selects" the item on the list.

Perhaps you didn't add a check on "SelCount" (counts how many items on the list are selected) if the number of items selected = 0, then don't add code.

EDIT: found another glitch: the spawn sprite routine doesn't spawn sprites in the correct position when placed in vertical levels other than the top-left subscreen boundary, so add this code:
	LDA $5B				;\Check if vertical level = true
	AND #$01			;|
	BEQ +				;/
	LDA $9B				;\Fix the $99 and $9B from glitching up if placed
	STA $00				;|other than top-left subscreen boundaries of vertical
	LDA $99				;|levels!!!!! (barrowed from the map16 change routine of GPS).
	STA $9B				;|(this switch values $99 <-> $9B, since the subscreen boundaries
	LDA $00				;|are now sideways)
	STA $99				;|
+					;/

before the code that position the sprite into the block.

Edit: nevermind, use this after every time you use the map16 change routine.