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SM64 Sequential Jumping/Triple Jump 2.0

SMW Patches → SM64 Sequential Jumping/Triple Jump 2.0

Submission Details

Name: SM64 Sequential Jumping/Triple Jump 2.0
Author: HuFlungDu
Version History: View
Tool: Asar
Requires Free Space: Yes
Bug Fix: No
Featured: No
Description: This is a patch I created that will give you the ability to jump higher the more times you do it in a row (up to three) just like in Super Mario 64.
No credit necessary

Important! New for this version.
Now featuring an almost complete lack of suck.
Removed some major bugs and general ugliness by changing the way it makes you jump higher
Now has configurable jump heights (what a freaking concept right?)
Finally, no longer hijacks NMI routine.

Gonna go head and say thanks to cant_think_of_a_name for reminding me how bad the old one blows and inspiring me to fix it.
Tags: jump lorom physics sa-1 sm64
Comments: 4 (jump to comments)
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Comments (4)

TheN64man Link
Perhaps I could set it up backward so if you jump too much consecutively Mario gets tired and cannot jump as high lol
AuraDee Link
Tested with Asar v1.71, Lunar Magic 3.04, SA-1 Pack v1.32, Snes9x v1.55. Works as intended.
Klug Link
GIFs, please!
 Major Flare Link
Optimized the code, and converted to ASAR w/SA-1 compatibility. Tested with Asar 1.71 and SA-1 1.32