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Fade-in Pack v1.1

SMW Patches → Fade-in Pack v1.1

Submission Details

Name: Fade-in Pack v1.1
Author: MarioE
Version History: View
Tool: Asar
Requires Free Space: Yes
Bug Fix: No
Featured: No
Description: These two patches change the game's default mosaic fade-in to either a circle that zooms into or out from the player or a "horizontally convex" shape that zooms into or out from the center of the screen.
Tags: fadein hdma lorom sa-1 window
Comments: 9 (jump to comments)
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Comments (9)

Diego Link
I really like this patch. I just wish it wouldn't spaz out on certain occasions. I've had two hacks turned down because of it.
lx5 Link
requires changes to work with sa-1 pack 1.35+ (dma remap conflict)
 K3fka Link
Tested with: Snes9x 1.60, Lunar Magic 3.04, Asar 1.71

Works great! Thanks for submitting the update.
MM102 Link
		dw $0060,$0070,$0080,$0088,$008D,$0098,$009E,$00A4
		dw $00AB,$00B2,$00BA,$00C3,$00CD,$00D8,$00E4,$00F1
		dw $0100,$0111,$0125,$013B,$0155,$0174,$019A,$01C7
		dw $0200,$0249,$02AB,$0333,$0400,$0555,$0800,$1000

		dw $02AB,$0249,$0200,$01E0,$01D0,$01B0,$01A0,$0190
		dw $0180,$0170,$0160,$0150,$0140,$0130,$0120,$0110
		dw $0100,$00F0,$00E0,$00D0,$00C0,$00B0,$00A0,$0090
		dw $0080,$0070,$0060,$0050,$0040,$0030,$0020,$0010

hey so, trying to modify the default table and not modifying the frame count
the first value of these tables ($0060/$02AB) don't actually change the windowing
lx5 Link
Another useful patch converted to be SA-1 hybrid. It's slightly slower on lorom on this release, but nothing too noticeable.
Ben1feirense From older version: Fade-in Pack Link
Asar tells me it's an xkas patch, although you specificied it was an asar patch?
TheJullasicFox From older version: Fade-in Pack Link
How do you get this to work for pipes?
MarkVD100 From older version: Fade-in Pack Link

Ah, so that's why.
cheeyev From older version: Fade-in Pack Link
It's a great patch, but inserting one of the patches in my ROM makes Lunar Magic's internal emulator really glitch out for me.