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Mario Saves Spring Break

Super Mario World Hacks → Mario Saves Spring Break

Submission Details

Name: Mario Saves Spring Break
Author: El Cuh Fermin
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 9 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: In this hack I made for Spring Break this week that the beach is horrible and dirty. And Mario or Luigi needs to save the day. Wendy O. made mess on the water from the beach because, she want to ruin the Spring Break Vacation or party as well. So anyways. Good luck with my hack. I also I inserted the Anti-yoshi block remove for castles so they don't glitch. And its updated already.
Tags: asm exgfx music traditional
Comments: 19 (jump to comments)
3.7 (3 ratings)
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Comments (19)

name_6969 Link
More of a summer themed hack imo
Brazilian Mario fan Link
Exactly in the old comments, there is no challenge, coins and powerups everywhere, at all times, the standard has to be easy, I can even have fun, but it was very easy and the end was disappointing.

El Cuh Fermin Author Link
Should I make SA-1 version on this hack, also with new status bar, instant special world palette?
OptiMystic Link
Okay hack overall, level design is a little boring and can probably be changed to Standard: Easy with there being coins and powerups everywhere. Wall jumping should be more heavily advertised, I found out about it by accident and thought some areas were either hard to do or impossible before discovering that.

El Cuh Fermin Author Link
The palette change.
Nikku4211 Link
Originally posted by Dark Prince
¿what changed?

Exactly. Izaguirrefermin28, what has changed about this version compared to the previous one?
Dark Prince Link
¿what changed?
ManWhoDrunkMilk From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
I liked the subtle graphics and UI changes you made. And very cool to add a wall kick jump. I'd like to see that explored more in the level design.
Renegade763 From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
this game is way to hard for me i dyed 15 times on the first level alone i wish they was easier mario hacks on here all the ones i have played is been way hard i rate this one a 0/5 do to it being way to hard to play
Bh02032002 From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
It's ok. Love the graphics but I don't like how easy the final boss is. 3/5 in my opinion
NatsuFireball From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
A very nice fun hack with cool level design and palettes. I liked the wall jump ability and goal point bonuses =]
I think however that you put way too many coins in all your levels, making collecting them too easy and so less interesting.

There is an orange pipe near the middle of the fortress that, when entered by the bottom, leads you to an infinite bonus stage which softlocks you and so forces you to reset the game.

I would also personally put the difficulty to "easy" rather than "normal" as the game is really easy, especially with so many lives you can get thanks to all these coins and yoshies. The bosses also are even easier than the original game ones.

8/10 (4 stars) Thank you for this fun hack =]
 Atari2.0 From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
Originally posted by Keany
In the fortress, there's a small double ended vertical pipe, if you go in the bottom one it takes you to level 00 and you can't get out.

The issue should be fixed
Keany From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
In the fortress, there's a small double ended vertical pipe, if you go in the bottom one it takes you to level 00 and you can't get out.
Nikku4211 From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
This hack has some pretty average level design. There are some questionable design decisions. For example, there's a section where the water is solid in the first level despite looking exactly the same as the other water that isn't solid; there is layer 3 water in the cave level where the level can vertically scroll, but the water doesn't; In one sub-level of the final castle, you can literally go above the entire level; etc. Okay, there's a lot of poor design decisions here. I'm glad it's short. Not surprised that this is your first hack.
Cute Crack From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
cool even though spring break is dead
 Atari2.0 From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
This hack is a pretty decent short hack. It has nice graphics and some nice music. The only concerns that I have is that sometime the level design is lacking a bit and could be made better. It would also be nice to have some credits at the end. It has some other minor problems like a cutoff tile or two but nothing major that prevents it from being accepter. The other advice that I wanna give you is that it would be better if your next hack could have more levels, this barely had enough for a 30/40 minutes playtime. (I also fixed the tags cause you had some invalid ones)
El Cuh Fermin Author From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
I updated the rom hack so I fixed already.
Dark Prince From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
also, put 9 exits instaead of 23
Dark Prince From older version: Mario Saves Spring Break Link
the no-yoshi block should be in mario's starting point so you can't see yoshi's GFX12.bin glitched tongue