Name: | Mario Rescues the Golden Mushroom |
Author: | Green Jerry |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 42 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Normal |
Description: | STORY: The Golden Mushroom was stolen by Bowser! Mario must defeat him and retrieve it to return to the Mushroom Kingdom! This newest version of the hack (V1.1.4) fixes issues such as skippable and enterable unrevealed levels, HDMA gradients showing up during transition black screens and the music staying sped up after beating a level with the time below 100 seconds. And cutscenes are now skippable and the final boss is now easier. A Portuguese (Brazil) langauage version is also included. I've been working on this hack for over 2 years. EDIT: Forgot to upload screenshots 20-24. |
Tags: | asm bosses hdma less exgfx music portuguese traditional |
Comments: | 34 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
986.00 KiB | 6,205 downloads
Comments (34)
Took 2 hours to complete. Video of playthrough:
My favorite world remains that of the cherry trees
i felt the cutscenes were entirely superfluous - there's no real plot progression to speak of and the banter between mario and the bosses is pretty weak. mario responding to bowser's generic villain rambling with "Really? Let's fight!" as though he were asking an old friend to spar was pretty funny but probably not intentionally so.
also the penultimate level was incredibly frustrating and was definitely missing a checkpoint. it probably could have even been cut in half but even just a check point would have made it less frustrating - i ended up using a savestate roughly where i thought a checkpoint would have logically made sense to keep myself from going insane.
the secret level of world 4 was pretty iffy too. tiny, horizontally oscillating, falling, slippery platforms are more annoying than challenging, and that's really just the fault of an unfortunate combination of physics and sprite choice. the rest of the ice levels were fine and that particular sprite would be less annoying to deal with if it weren't for the ice physics.
that aside...3/5 seems fair. nothing spectacular but it's only really offensive in one place, it's entirely serviceable if you're looking for something easy to wind down to
I highly recommend this hack to anyone looking for a 2-3 hour hack that's fun, graphically pretty, and creative. Great job
I played the first version and couldn't beat it due to a very hard Bowser. The one in this version is a way (maybe too much ?) easier ^^
I may gave miscounted but, in the first version, I found more than 60 exits. This version seems smaller as there are 42 exits, however it is totally OK as the game is very well designed, with wonderful pallettes and funny ASM hacks. Overworld is very polished too =]
10/10 (5 stars) Thank you very much =]
I just got one little nitpick I wanna share though. I don't remember finding a spot where I could actually get a feather from anywhere outside of one level, even after unlocking the green blocks they were just used at platforms. It was a shame having to go back to that one level where you can't jump to get the feather.
Stil 5/5 for me buddy! looking forward to more from you!
Currently my progress is at 42 (no star character) after defeating Bowser: did I complete the game?
Versão BR
There are still a few minor lags here and there and the HDMA still flashes sometimes when loading a cutscene or a level but overall a big up to this hack. Recommended
(Note:A bad level has to force everyone to do something like trigger a switch to make progess make it so that A:its possible with no switches and B:possible with all 4+ switches so since a bad level makes it impossible to beat a level with at least 1 switch that is some bad level tips to avoid a bad level)
But yeah, there's some things you need to fix, like the blind jumps Eevee mentioned and the super awkward podoboo jump you're asked to do in the beginning of the first castle. It's at least extremely out of place right there.
For one, avoid the blind jumps; there were several in world 1-2, and another in World 1-5.
You should also set a proper victory song for when the player defeats the boss.
Finally, you messed up Mario's GFX00 tiles somehow?
Anyway, not too bad, but keep it up.
Please re-download.