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All.log++: SMWDisC

Documents → All.log++: SMWDisC

This file is obsolete. The latest version is All.log++: SMWDisC (2023-10-15). For other versions, check the version history.

Submission Details

Name: All.log++: SMWDisC
Author: SMWDisC Team
Version History: View
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Type: Documentation
Language: English
Description: All.log++ is the combined efforts of the Super Mario World Disassembly and Commentary project. Compiled here is the source code of Super Mario World, made by MikeyK, but with a large amount of routines clarified with labels, comments, and code explanations.

Nicol Bolas
Buster Beetle

Note: Incomplete
Tags: alllog asm coding disassembly
Comments: 9 (jump to comments)
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Comments (9)

Kyu Link
awesome project! Ever thought about putting this on GitHub so people can contribute more easily?
 Major Flare Link
Simple change, nothing more. Not a removal reason, so let's accept.
trillian From older version: All.log++: SMWDisC Link
I updated some of the comments next to stuff you had changed (most of them still had X and Y backwards).
HammerBrother From older version: All.log++: SMWDisC Link
Thank you so much.
Vitor Vilela From older version: All.log++: SMWDisC Link
I admire you effort at documenting SMWDisC. I appreciate it.

I do have to warn you though... SMWDisC is kinda outdated. p4plus2 made a new dissembly which has a more cleaner format and is assemble-able by Asar... Maybe it would be good if we start a SMW disassembly project using that new file already, since you look interested. I don't know really, SMWDisC is good and all, but it could be better. But it already have tons of useful information.

Maybe I should bring this to the staff.
HammerBrother From older version: All.log++: SMWDisC Link
Thanks, any important places that I hijack or someone else needs to know that area. With the use of break pointing on snes9x debugger, it helps on what that particular code does and its purpose.
Vitor Vilela From older version: All.log++: SMWDisC Link
It's nice to see you're working hard commenting the SMWDisC. It is a very important document for the ASM hacking team.
HammerBrother From older version: All.log++: SMWDisC Link
Also why is there routine and address duplicates? Like "GiveMarioMushroom" routine. Is it nesscessary?
HammerBrother From older version: All.log++: SMWDisC Link
Originally posted by smw.disc
Irrelevant info is taken out.

Does that mean that some of the smw's code that is irreverent is removed? Or just the irrevelent comment (text after the ";" symbol) is removed?