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Adventure Islands

Super Mario World Hacks → Adventure Islands

Submission Details

Name: Adventure Islands
Author: Shadow9999
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 44 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: This is A more traditional hack with precise movement in mind. I wanted it decently long while still keeping it fun.
Also having some gimmicks mixed in for those who like chocolate. It was fun making this hack and hope everyone enjoys it.
Tags: bosses less exgfx music traditional
Comments: 14 (jump to comments)
3.0 (1 rating)
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Comments (14)

Chrisbateman666 Link
Hii 👉🏽👈🏽

I need your help, can someone tell me or give me some clues to be able to complete the Mystery forest 3 level? I've spent hours trying to solve it and I'm still stuck So pleaseeeee or I’ll go crazy 😵‍💫
This hack is odd. It doesn't feel like any playtesting has been involved because there are many skips throughout most levels. The gameplay itself was also kind of rough or just downright terrible at times. Some parts didn't even seem like kaizo. One thing that's good though is the secret ways. they were actually done pretty well.

Adding a list that goes into further detail here:
- The Mysterious Forest "puzzle" was kind of pointless
- The level "Ground Runner", has the use of a bone raft, but once you reach the on/off block section, you can disregard the raft and beat the level without it, it's not hard to do so either, just a few big jumps
- Starlite Night has a part with two throw blocks that can be skipped and the skip is so obvious I'm wondering how the hell was it glossed over
- I've encountered many entity spawn issues while playing through this hack, made some parts become awkward to play
- Most of the bosses were awful
- The Star World Yoshi level was poorly designed in some places, one part in the yellow shell section you could just eat the spinies instead of going to the side instead of using Yoshi's yellow shell ability
- Difficulty is all over the place with no consistency whatsoever, aside from star world having the more difficult levels
There are a decent amount of other skips, but I am not going through the effort to write them all here, maybe in the future I will edit this comment to have all of the ones I could find.
This was moderated and tested apparently. Were both done by a blind person? This needed a LOT more playtesting.

Overall, it's just an ok hack.
adamlucero Link
Only getting 41 exits at the title screen after completion I noticed that this game does not count the switch palaces as exits if it did you would have 44 exits at the title screen instead of 41 exits just to give you a heads up on that.
Shadow9999 Author Link
Thank you. I'm glad people are enjoying the hack.
Bohemio Link
fun nice hack. lava doesn´t kill you in hydra path level, you just can swim on it
louisluiz Link
I Can't find the red switch palace :(
Dark Mario Bros Link
no master higgins 0/10
Shadow9999 Author Link
Fixed some unintended skips found in the moderation that was missed in the testing phase. Added some quality of life also to make it more enjoyable.
Bh02032002 Link
Why exactly is this getting resubmitted?
N450 From older version: Adventure Islands Link
Decent hack, and appropiate difficulty would be Kaizo: Light
Bh02032002 From older version: Adventure Islands Link
Yeah I agree with the comments below. This looks like a kaizo
InsaneMarioHacking From older version: Adventure Islands Link
im my opinion if you don t put kaizo it don t be accepted
InsaneMarioHacking From older version: Adventure Islands Link
very hard is little and kaizo is much
OEO6 From older version: Adventure Islands Link
The palettes and music are good. There are creative levels. The map is also good. The difficulty of the game should be 'kaizo', not 'very hard'.