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Passable Ledge with SFX

SMW Blocks → Passable Ledge with SFX

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Comments (8)

darkreader2636 Link
You must use
xxx:106 PassableLedgeSFX.asm
at list.txt to work xxx is map16 number
dogemaster Link
if you press down and jump on the same frame, you go through the rope but still jump, not a complain but i found it to be funny so i shared
El Cuh Fermin Link
Ive seen This before, on Mario's Amazing Adventure and I like it so I can put on Peach's Castle or non blind jump
caiqueleo Link
i see a potential troll #smw{:TUP:}
henry242 Link
Hey! This is kinda like in Smash Bros!
I like it! #smrpg{:D}
 Major Flare Link
Tested with: SA-1 1.32, GPS 1.4.1, LM 3.10 and ZMZ 1.08.

 Blind Devil Link
Added screenshot and SA-1 support, as well as defines for the played SFX.
Final Theory From older version: Passable Ledge with SFX Link
In the asm it subtracts 8 pixels from marios height. I changed it to 16 with the following code.

CLC ;\
ADC #$10 ;/ subtraction by 8 pixels

Here is a video of the block