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Luigi Before the Egg 64 DX: Direggtor's Cut

Super Mario 64 Hacks → Luigi Before the Egg 64 DX: Direggtor's Cut

Submission Details

Name: Luigi Before the Egg 64 DX: Direggtor's Cut
Authors: Blakeoramo, SKELUXXX
Version History: View
Difficulty: Intermediate
Demo: No
Length: 2 star(s)
Description: A prequel set roughly 8-10 hours from "Luigi Floating on an Egg Over the Sea", the game is a linear, story-driven game taking place in the land of Subcon in the world of SMB2. It is also probably my first "normal" ROM hack.

Direggtor's Cut Update:

*3 New Easter Eggs
*Revamped Soundtrack
*Uses F3DEX2 as the Microcode along with Optimised Black
Bars for Better Game Performance
*New Easter Egg Hunt Sidequest With an Interactive Menu
by pressing Z+A simultaneously
*Added GlideN64 Compatibility and Perhaps Even Console Compatibility (someone test this idk for sure cus I don't have an EverDrive)
*2 New Cutscene Events
*Fixes for the Boss Fight to Make it Easier/Balanced
*New Lives Total of 4
*Infinite Lives on Slide Level
*100 COIN BONUS DEMO for Those Bold Enough
*Easter Egg Total in the Game is Now 10
*Easter Egg Hints (Included with ZIP File)
*Other Various Quality of Life Changes

1.0 Features:

*3 Levels and 2 Cutscene Levels!
*Custom Title Screen/Game Over Screen!
*NES Sprites/SFX/Aesthetic
*"Hybrid" soundtrack including both streamed and sequenced music!
*Cutscenes! (Credit to Cheezepin)
*Super Mario Super Show 64 Elements! (Permission and credits thanks to PastaPower)
*Easter Eggs Galore! (Can you find them all?)
*Bonus Challenges (included with download zip)


Luigi finds himself in the Subcon during the events of SMB2 and proceeds in the game until normal. But when Luigi stumbles upon the infamous World 4-3, things aren't exactly the same as usual...
Video Link: Link
Tags: 8-bit aesthetic asm assembly birdo bonus demo bowser c injection cutscenes deluxe direggtor's cut floating linear luigi mini hack ocean on an egg over prequel sea smb2 story line super show tech demo the vaporwave
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