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Minimalist Status Bars

SMW Patches → Minimalist Status Bars

Submission Details

Name: Minimalist Status Bars
Author: Ladida
Version History: View
Tool: Asar
Requires Free Space: Yes
Bug Fix: No
Featured: No
Description: 3 different patches that will make the status bar minimalistic, as seen in my 24h contest winter 2012 entry

status_top.asm will put the status bar at the top of the screen, like in smw
status_bottom.asm will put the status bar at the bottom of the screen, like in smb3
status_double.asm will put a status bar at the top and a different one at the bottom

no freeram needed (some weird ram is used)

see pretty pictures below, and readme for more info

UPDATE: the tilemap is now uploaded to the offscreen part of layer 1, freeing up the layer 3 tilemap. the palette has also been isolated, and properties are located alongside tiles in RAM. also, proper SA-1 support

UPDATE2: switched to a different ram due to exanimation conflict

Now works with SA-1 Pack 1.31 and LM3
Tags: lorom minimal needs remoderation sa-1 status bar
Comments: 56 (jump to comments)
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Comments (56)

Peter64 Link
- Lunar Magic 3.40
- BSNES v115
- Asar 1.91
- SA-1 Pack v.1.40

I do not recommend this patch, because after using the Message Box at the level, my palette flew off in Overworld and at the levels.
Super Wario Man Link
Using custom blocks (like those of SDWTLC and SMW yes) that give the player, shells, goombas, keys, clouds, green plants with vines, works with this minimalist bar?
Josuke Yoshikage Link
This patch literally breaks my rom if I apply it after editing it. It needs an update.
Guleyan112 Link
I Really like this patch, but for some reason brokes my vertical levels. Is there a solution for this?
fantasma king Link
the patch is good, but an idea for you is to make a version that is compatible with SA-1 PACK 1.40
AntonioDosGames Link
It's an excellent status bar, however, it has a problem that bothers me. Bosses Iggy and Larry don't work properly, and I wanted you to fix that. Here an example image:

Mario appears to be on top of an invisible solid block, same thing happens with Larry.
Mario. Link
aroohwahoou Link
does anyone know how to make this work with the message box expansion patch?

EDIT: Nevermind, it was an issue with SA-1.
If you want to use this with the SA-1 patch, make sure in SA-1\remap\dma.asm, !window_hdma_channel is set to 7, not 1.
Or at least, that's what caused me a problem, and that's what fixed it.
FrostyLosty Link
After downloading and applying this patch to my rom, I couldn't delete the folder off my desktop. Don't know if it was a personal issue or something with the file. But I ran resmon.exe to delete the file. Patch works and looks great though.
This patch is in a serious need for an update, it doesn't work properly on the latest SA-1 patch release.
Hayashi Neru Link
When I use this patch with the latest SA-1 patch, I get an error when opening the message box.
UTF Link
I'd say that this status bar is common due to the fact that it works well with layer 3 BGs, but it's unfortunate to hear that the visibility is bad on 4:3 TVs (CRTs I'm assuming). Somehow I had never heard of that until now. So would this status bar need to be put one 8x8 tile lower or higher to be more visible?
MarsAmPear Link
Creators: be wary that, on many console setups with 4:3 TVs, areas at the very top and bottom of the screen are partially cut off, and as a result, this status bar is pretty much unreadable. As someone who plays on one of these TVs, I always find this to be super annoying, especially when time/powerup/life management is an important part of gameplay. If you care about console users playing your hack, I'd recommend you avoid this patch.
lx5 Link
requires changes to work with sa-1 pack 1.35+ (dma remap conflict)
LOLRyan2006 the Goombud Link
Originally posted by DoodleMyNoodle
Originally posted by LOLRyan2006 Mario Fan
Very great! I love it!

However, are you noticing that these are starting to get overused (Like goombuds in SMM2) in every ROM hack?

Honestly it's not hard to see why. A small out of the way hud is very useful for those people who still want a hud but don't want it taking up space.

I see. It looks good
DoodleMyNoodle Link
Originally posted by LOLRyan2006 Mario Fan
Very great! I love it!

However, are you noticing that these are starting to get overused (Like goombuds in SMM2) in every ROM hack?

Honestly it's not hard to see why. A small out of the way hud is very useful for those people who still want a hud but don't want it taking up space.
LOLRyan2006 the Goombud Link
Very great! I love it!

However, are you noticing that these are starting to get overused (Like goombuds in SMM2) in every ROM hack?
 MarioFanGamer Link
The only differences between it and the previous version is some additional prints and documentations. No change in the code has been made so no moderation notes.
MarcosMoutta From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Originally posted by Darkbloom
The current version is generating garbage tiles on my clean ROM.

For me too!
MaxtheFox From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Would you by any chance be able to make this compatible with VWF dialogues?
HammerBrother From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
RAM address locations to edit tile numbers and properties:
$0B05-$0B24: Tile number top row
$0B25-$0B44: Tile number bottom row
$0B45-$0B64: Tile properties top row
$0B65-$0B84: Tile properties bottom row

Top and bottom version:
$0B05-$0B24: Tile number row
$0B45-$0B64: Tile properties row

To get tile position, formula is TilePos = AddrStart + X, where X is the horizontal position, ranging from 0-31, in tiles, increasing from left to right.
El Cuh Fermin From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
How do I disable item in this status_top.asm
Vivian Darkbloom From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
The current version is generating garbage tiles on my clean ROM.
 Major Flare From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Tested with LM3, SA1 1.31 and in levels with the big-horizontal setting on. Works without a hassle, so, accepted.
Darolac From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Finally this gets updated to work with LM 3.00! #tb{:]}
TruffleShroom From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Can you please make it compatible with Lunar Magic 3.0.0?
lucasfilm From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Hey,this patch is so good, but, u can fix the bugs?
TurkishCyanide From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
This breakes some bosses (i use the double one) iggy's now unplayable, and also this glitches out boss course clears.
Also i have a bunch of zeros on the top
Vivian Darkbloom From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
For the people who were wondering what "saner bosses" meant, it looks like you can use the non-Mode 7 bosses from the original SMW, as well as custom bosses. I haven't run into any problems with them...yet.
brayan jose From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
the only mistake I noticed in the status bar above was that in the levels with vertical enable you can see some ugly chips in the background, I hope they fix it.
MagicalKoopa From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
What's a saner boss?
PaperWario From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Looks a lot like Super Mario Land's status bar.
UTF From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
I'm using status_bottom.asm, and I happened to notice that in ZSNES, the status bar has a bunch of little red and green pixels on it. I guess ZSNES compatibility isn't super important at this point, but the glitch is there!
Shinnok From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
I just want to point it out that when using Palette ExAnimation, it won't work properly on Palette 0. By looking at the code, I'd guess it is somewhat related to a DMA transfer with the RAM addresses involving palette 0.

However, there's a simple workaround: Use Palette + Working instead, as it updates palette RAM addresses.
lx5 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Working fine now with ExAnimation. Let's hope there aren't more bugs.
Epic_Manky From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
This version works perfectly for me. Good work.
HammerBrother From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Do note that if you are using most of my stuff that uses the status bar that is compatible with the super status bar patch, the tile data format is this: TTTTTTTT, TTTTTTTT grouped and also YXPCCCTT too. Therefore, you are going have to edit stuff that utilize the tile properties. Mainly, you should set the status bar setting to $01 to properly store the tile numbers.
Epic_Manky From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
I have a lot of patches applied to my rom, so perhaps that's the issue?
Mogu94 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Some mixed reviews in here. What exactly are you guys doing when you apply the patch to get these issues to pop up? Is it to a rom that's had a lot of patches already applied to it?
I haven't used this version of the patch yet so I'm not sure what's up.
Epic_Manky From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
I'm having the same issue as vanilla 451
HammerBrother From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
That's awesome, now you don't have to worry about duplicating HUD.
lx5 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Everything is working fine. Didn't got anything weird with SA-1 version nor the stuff that the guys below me claims to happen.

IgorS777 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
When I use layer 3 as BG, the status bar is completely bugged, the "M" turns a "D" and several things disappear. I would like a solution to this problem.
Queman From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Can we have an alternative item box? The idea I had was that select would bring up the item box in full and also show a customized description based on what powerup state it is associated with. Also, it should spawn at player position to make the grabbing code run properly, while also being instant. Select to open the menu, pausing the game via the proper flag then showing the window, then start to use it, and select again to dismiss.
31334 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
For some reason when used with layer 3 exgfx, the status bar 's characters (mario icon, item box icon, bonus star icon) get fucked up. It can't be the exgfx them selves, because it happens no matter which one I use and it's always the same glitched out characters. The Mario "M" becomes a "D", The right side of the item box becomes a ground tile and the left one disappears completely.
vanilla 451 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
There are some confusion.
Anas From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Ay yi yi, you've gotta be kidding me.
 mathie From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Unfortunately, the fix you said you applied in the Resources thread didn't fix the BG problem... or maybe you forgot to update the submission ?
 Luks From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
The SA-1 Version fucks with the BG.
TheOrangeToad From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
I use Custom powerup made by LX5 and SMB3 p meter.
Can someone make a update version of the minimalist status bar patch
with two patches in the minimalist status bar.
DreadDLorD44 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Realy cool
Moltz From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Just discovered that the lower status bar get messed up when you set a custom tilemap for a new Layer 3 image. In order to fix that, one needs to put on the upper right section of the layer 3 editor tiles of the same color and page the status bar uses.

Something like this:

Kudos to Coolmario for discovering the fix.

EDIT: Don't forget to add a line of black tiles under those, too. Some emulators can let you see below the bar and it can get somewhat distracting.
Green Jerry From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
Originally posted by RZIBARA
does this work with SA-1?

Unfortunately no, because the 'sa-1' tag is absent.
Click here to download a SA-1 version of the patch. Make a back-up before inserting it first because the creator of this version didn't tested this. And the creator (Ladida) is inactive now.
RZ1 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
does this work with SA-1?
slakkmichael From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link
I like it!
bowser5543 From older version: Minimalist Status Bars Link