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Level Map16 RAM Map v3

Documents → Level Map16 RAM Map v3

Submission Details

Name: Level Map16 RAM Map v3
Author: HammerBrother
Version History: View
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Type: Documentation
Language: English
Description: This documentation contains the RAM map of level's map16 data ($7EC800 and $7FC800).

Tags: map16 tiles
Comments: 4 (jump to comments)
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Comments (4)

HammerBrother Author From older version: Level Map16 RAM Map Link
-Updated to work with LM v3.
-Included a javascript html file to calculate to convert between index and coordinates.
-Included ASM codes to convert between index and coordinates.
HammerBrother Author From older version: Level Map16 RAM Map Link
I use google Google spreadsheet. That's why. Also, Microsoft word viewer suck balls.
JackTheSpades From older version: Level Map16 RAM Map Link
Certainly not bad, what I don't get though is, why do you make a PDF which just contains the table, with no further explanation and a readme explaining how to read the PDF... instead of just putting the explanation in the PDF itself, saving others the trouble of having to use two files instead of one?
Vitor Vilela From older version: Level Map16 RAM Map Link
Honestly that would fit better on a Wiki page. But SMWiki is dead, so eh. Additinal information regarding RAM addresses are always welcome, it makes easier and easier to understand how they work, specially when someone decides to work with Map16 addresses manually without using the classic Map16 change routine.