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Super Mario World Hacks → CATACLYSM

Submission Details

Author: xHF01x
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 1 exit(s)
Type: Tool-Assisted: Pit
Description: CATACLYSM is the pit hack I've been working on for most of 2019. It was created with two goals in mind: Being extremely difficult (I think I succeeded with that goal), and utilizing as many uncommon glitches as possible.

This hack is mostly vanilla, apart from the graphics and the music, of course. There are however two custom blocks: The purple/black bars are instant death blocks that are passable for sprites, like the ones found in ColonThree. There are also On/Off blocks, but those are self-explanatory.

If you want to play this, be warned: This hack utilizes lots of unknown quirks of the vanilla SMW engine, some of which you might have never heard of. Most notably, this hack requires use of the pause button to control the sprite interaction frame rule. Also, some jumps are just very tight. Whenever you get stuck, try looking at the provided movie file for information on how to proceed.

If you prefer watching pit hacks over actually playing them, here's an encode of the provided movie file:

Changelog v1.1:
- Changed the blocks in the second room to act like castle spikes instead of munchers. This fixes an exploit allowing you to skip the entire room with an item-swapped silver p-switch. Thanks to TheBiob for finding this.

Changelog v1.2:
- Removed a non-solid boulder tile and added a few spikes in the cape flying section, preventing a zip that allowed you to skip the entire room. The total object count stays the same so unless you were planning to abuse this in a TAS, nothing changes for you (the provided movie file synced without a change). Thanks to dacin for finding this.
Tags: exgfx glitch huge level music no boss
Comments: 12 (jump to comments)
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Comments (12)

Cloverzin Link
Hack divertida, mas eu achei ela desnecessariamente precisa, tem momentos que são subpixel perfect e é muito complicado de fazer, mas ainda sim, é uma Pit hack legal e que foi uma porta de entrada pra novos tipos de Pit hacks, entende o que eu tô dizendo? Essa hack inspirou para a Armageddon e outras hacks, cataclysm é uma boa Pit hack
Joseh1ph Link
Para min,melhor hack que já joguei,muito legal.
Wowowl90 Link
This is absolutely awesome! Definitely enjoyed watching the clear video. Some really cool tricks in there.
HeyItsUnio Link
This hack is amazingly done. The overall feel to it really fits the theme. Parts of the hack were very creative, and I admire that. Good job! #smw{:TUP:}
kaitri Link
Originally posted by dacin
v1.1 Cleared:

This hack is very well made and a very fun challenge. It features a variety of new tricks and jumps. I really love the fact that you have to think about how you approach the different obstacles. A lot of intricacies are not obvious from the youtube video.

thanks. i'm always looking forward to pit hacks being done so i can watch them
 xHF01x Author Link
I was hoping that this hack didn't need another update (Even naively stating "This is the final version" somewhere) but being able to skip the cape room is too big of a break to ignore. I have thus fixed it for version 1.2 (but nothing else as I want the update to change as little as possible).
 dacin Link
v1.1 Cleared:

This hack is very well made and a very fun challenge. It features a variety of new tricks and jumps. I really love the fact that you have to think about how you approach the different obstacles. A lot of intricacies are not obvious from the youtube video.
kaitri Link
if anyone ever beats this, pls send me a private message with a link to your youtube video. id like to see this beaten
7 up Link
Currently, the record holder is Bits and Pieces. Unless a new pit mod appears out of nowhere, it's very likely.
 dacin Link
Will this hack set a record for longest time until moderation?
7 up Link
Can FuryFawful play pit hacks?
Noob Link
Certamente o hack Pit mais difícil do mundo!!! Muitas falhas e pausas pra interação foram utilizadas pra vencer o certeza, mais difícil que Item Abuse 3!!!