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Mario Mania

Super Mario World Hacks → Mario Mania

Submission Details

Name: Mario Mania
Author: BlooberryPi
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 10 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: Sonic games are notoriously hard to hack, and with not so great results.

So what's better than creating a Sonic hack? Creating a Sonic hack out of Super Mario World... With some additional kaizo.

This shouldn't be an overly difficult kaizo experience, though some sections may still prove tricky to those still learning. Avoid the stare of the final boss, thanks to the creation of DtotheFourth.

Check out the Readme too!


There are two patches, the (sonic) one has a sonic player sprite. It is meant to be optional as both are the same exact experience.

P.S. Mighty is the best Sonic character.

v1.1 -
Added some names to the credits, sorry to forget you guys!

Tweaked a few sections.
Tags: asm bosses crossover exgfx music non-mario
Comments: 14 (jump to comments)
4.0 (4 ratings)
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Comments (14)

timeisart Link
Fantastic hack, very fun levels but not without a couple faults near the end. I get that in the final 5 room castle you were going for a callback vibe from previous levels, but the reuse of a couple tricks felt a little stale, plus five room castles are a terrible level design decision to begin with.

This hack would’ve gotten 5 stars from me but the final boss takes off at least one star, possibly even two. Just absolutely hated, hated, HATED that boss. could’ve been worse I guess (at least you gave a mushroom) but wow that was frustrating as hell. Didn’t even feel good to beat, just kind of relieving knowing that I never have to play that garbage boss again.

But again the rest of the hack was fun so good job.
KazakhGuy Link
OptiMystic Link
Overall decent hack, lots of elements are reused in most of the levels (i.e. flying platforms) which made the levels feel more bland towards the end. The final boss is one of the most frustrating and tedious boss battles ever conceived and doesn't compare to the rest of the hack's difficulty. Also technically 11 exits with the final boss.
Albert_V Link
so beautiful but impossible to clear the first level :C i can't imagine the rest of levels! why hacks needs to be like that!!???

2 stars only for the beautiful graphics
Ilucuthen Link
I had a lot of fun with this hack until the Titanic Monarch fortress. While the sections in it are cool, I'm just not a fan of having to redo so much every time I blindly run into the next obstacle. I eventually gave up after getting to the fourth room and dying immediately, and savestated to see what was after that. Glad I did, because the fifth room had a couple obstacles that would have taken me a while to get right even if I didn't have to beat four consecutive rooms every single attempt.

It was a kind of jarring experience because the checkpoint placement had been very good up until that point, and it was sad to end my experience with this hack on a sour note. I did have a few gripes with some of the obstacles (e.g. what was I actually supposed to do with the four fireballs in the second half of sediment valley?) but nothing outside the normal gripes I have with kaizo levels.
Z3N3K_ Link
PedroFelipemariogdt1 Link
deve ser bom#smw{^_^}
5003erX Link
Finally, a good kaizo Sonic hack. I've been waiting for something like this
FailSandwich Link
Originally posted by howtousethishelp
can you dowland a smw rom in smw central

No, if SMWC provided ROMs then Nintendo would sue them. You're gonna need to find it somewhere else on the internet.
howtousethishelp Link
can you dowland a smw rom in smw central
anthonypasha From older version: Mario Mania Link
I just re-downloaded this version and still getting stuck. I'm sure it's something simple. On the level "Formula Factory", I don't know what to do right before the midpoint save. I press the switch and go through the pipe and fall into the water and die. Even with a shell, nothing is working. Any suggestions?
anthonypasha Link
Are there any gameplay videos available? I'm stuck on Formula Factory and not sure what to do next.
XAGES From older version: Mario Mania Link
Nice, but maybe name it something that actually y'know....
describes the hack?
for a second i was thinking of a Sonic Mania like SMW hack.
Romano338 From older version: Mario Mania Link
Really cool hack