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Instant Death on Powerup Loss v2.1

UberASM Repository → Instant Death on Powerup Loss v2.1

Submission Details

Name: Instant Death on Powerup Loss v2.1
Author: badummzi
Version History: View
Type: Level
Includes GFX: No
Includes Hijack: No
Featured: No
Description: This uberASM can be inserted as level specific asm or as gamemode 14.

All it does, is, killing the player instantly, after getting hurt.

Update to Version 2.1:
-Small optimizations

Compatible with SA-1
Tags: instant kill kaizo lorom power-up sa-1
Comments: 6 (jump to comments)
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Comments (6)

 Kevin Link
Originally posted by SJandCharlieTheCat
If I'm not mistaken, if you have cape i-frames, you'll still be temporarily invulnerable to munchers, etc.; so you'll need insta-kill munchers if you want to get around this. (Just an FYI for anyone who might come across this.)

Or you can add "LDA $1497|!addr : BNE death" right after main to also check for cape and Yoshi i-frames.
SJandCharlieTheCat Link
If I'm not mistaken, if you have cape i-frames, you'll still be temporarily invulnerable to munchers, etc.; so you'll need insta-kill munchers if you want to get around this. (Just an FYI for anyone who might come across this.)
 Maarfy Link
I can always appreciate more efficient code - I'd say this thing is in pretty good shape at this point!

Do note that, as before, getting hurt will drop the player's reserve item before killing them, effectively erasing it. This resource is geared more towards Kaizo design making this less of a concern, but be aware at any rate.

Tested with Asar 1.71, Lunar Magic 3.11, SA-1 1.32, Snes9x 1.59.2, UberASM Tool 1.4.
 Maarfy From older version: Instant Death on Powerup Loss Link
The ability to kill the player on powerup loss on a specific (sub)screen only is of... Rather specific utility, but the inclusion of the general version has me feeling more accommodating.

Works fine overall. The only thing I don't particularly like about the function of this code is that the player's reserve item is dropped at the same time they're killed, which seems more like a side effect than anything deliberate. On the other hand, the code in general seems more geared towards kaizo-type design, in which the item box would probably be strictly controlled anyway. Be aware, at any rate.

Small as the code is, there's still some fat that can be trimmed. If there's ever an update to this code, consider implementing the following optimizations:

Tested with Asar 1.71, Lunar Magic 3.10, SA-1 1.32, Snes9x 1.59.2, UberASM Tool 1.4.
XAGES From older version: Instant death on powerup loss Link
hey i keep on seeing this uberasm in kaizo hacks idk why
 RussianMan From older version: Instant death on powerup loss Link
Tested With:
Lunar Magic 3.03
SNES9X 1.60
SA-1 1.32
UberASM 1.4

Fixed SA-1 compatibility and added screenshot. You don't need to apply |!addr to zero page adresses. The code could've used a few optimizations, but it's not necessary - it's pretty small and shouldn't affect performance. I can see this being used in hacks that don't have small status (always big).