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Song Title


    Mega Man 7

    BRR Samples → Mega Man 7

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    Submission Details

    Name: Mega Man 7
    Author: Kevin
    Collection: Compilation
    Description: This pack contains all samples from Mega Man 7.
    Tags: agogo bass clap closed hi-hat crash cymbal distortion guitar electric piano finger bass flute harpsichord kick open hi-hat polysynth pad ride cymbal sawtooth sine wave slap bass snare square wave synth bass synth brass synth choir synth strings tom vibraphone xylophone
    Comments: 5 (jump to comments)
    Download 272.67 KiB | 1,023 downloads ▶   Play SPC

    Comments (5)

    Super Wario Man Link
    in "Mega Man & Bass" many of MM7 SFXs (like jumping, dash, damage, buster etc) are reused, does that mean they use the same soundfont?
    7 up Link
    Polysynth is suuuch a good sample!
     Kevin Author Link
    Originally posted by TheScratchinator
    When i try to insert these sample Amk says "Too Few Bytes" and i copied from the txt containing the bytes. Can somebody help me?#tb{:?}

    Make sure each line in the instruments has exactly 5 bytes after the sample name.
    TheScratchinator Link
    When i try to insert these sample Amk says "Too Few Bytes" and i copied from the txt containing the bytes. Can somebody help me?#tb{:?}
    7 up Link
    Nice to see this.