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Konk World

Super Mario World Hacks → Konk World

Submission Details

Name: Konk World
Author: TheMURAmatsu
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 9 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: Luigi viajou para Konk World para mais uma aventura! Esta uma kaizo light de 09 saídas com fases curtas, com gráficos personalizados e vanillas, músicas e sprites personalizados.

Luigi traveled to Konk World for another adventure! This is a kaizo light with 09 outputs with short levels, with personalized graphics and vanillas, songs and personalized sprites.
Comments: 4 (jump to comments)
4.7 (3 ratings)
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Comments (4)

timeisart Link
nice hack #smw{:TUP:}

last level was tough but fun
Gabriel_Master Link
Hack muito boa hack mas a Shell Delivery é a sua melhor hack#smw{:peace:}.
zLukaasPvPz Link
Essa hack é muito boa igual a Shells Delivery
JP 14 Link
#smw{:TUP:}muito bom