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Super Ninji Land

Super Mario World Hacks → Super Ninji Land

Submission Details

Name: Super Ninji Land
Author: Idunno
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 30 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: It's a somewhat short and easy hack starring everyone favorite little ninjas from SMB2! This is the full release, or rather the first one, as I may update it later.
The Ninji woke up to find their island full of unwanted enemies! Where are they from? Why are they here? All will be answered in this ROM hack.

What's new in v1.1? Here's a list:
-Shortcut between world 5 and world 2 on the map
-New graphics for the skull blocks
-Some changes in levels (easier jumps)
-Small decorations in levels
-Bug fixes

Here's a little info about the levels:

-Secret exits lead you to more challenging levels (although there's only one)

-Cape feathers are hidden in levels throughout world 4, can you find them?

*Special thanks to ELEAZAR ANDRES ( for playtesting the levels in order to find problems.
Tags: enemy ninji non-mario original graphics vanilla
Comments: 27 (jump to comments)
4.8 (9 ratings)
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Comments (27)

karinou Link
Cool hack, pretty enjoy to play thanks ;)
fabio_novaki Link
Great Hack! #smrpg{y}
SilverLinkel06 Link
This hack rom is incredible, I love the soundtrack of the levels, it is amazing, nice job, boy, keep a good work!
NatsuFireball Link
A great hack, wonderful levels and quite interesting scenario =]

Difficulty is easy-normal, excepted last level which is significantly herder than the previous ones.

Some FG/BG graphics are confusing but it's OK when you get used to them.

10/10 (5 stars) Thank you very much !
Brazilian Mario fan Link
the hack is good, a very low difficulty, but I could have some fun, but a bug spoiled my gameplay in world 3 #ab{:(}

unfortunately I had to finish the gameplay of the hack, but it looked like a fun project #smw{:TUP:}

Navid_d0 Link
Really well-made hack
Enjoyed every level
Nicoke42 Link
Very fun hack!
Confusing FG/BG in some levels.
Maimur Siddiqui Link
I basically finished this game, and I love it a lot. It also has good music
Kabaro Link
Lovely little hack!

Really enjoyed bumping around as a ninji.
NewPointless Link
Fun hack. Some minor problems, mostly the readability of graphics.

The ninji sliding graphics are a mood.
Starpelly Link
good gameplay
marathonx Link
Super fun, quite easy hack. The ninji as the hero is so cute, and whenever I was able to get flight, I was giggling like a goddam moron because I couldn't get over how adorable it was.

Great work :)
deserdoo Link
cutest mario character ngl
Thiago678 Link
cute ninji
Rayden0o Link
i love this romhack so much and i love these ninji sprites <3
Mariofan85 Link
Sooo nice Romhack
Idunno Author From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
I'm currently working on an update for this hack. It makes the Skull Blocks look nicer, fixes all the softlocks I can find and makes the first saw jump in the Lab significantly easier.
lewon.x From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
A pretty good hack, but not without its flaws.

The levels are range from just ok to a few great ones.
Hurt blocks look ugly.

The lab is a massive difficulty jump. That first saw jump, when you enter the building is ridiculous, compared to everything else in this hack.

The true ending leaves more questions than answers (this is not a problem), will there be a sequel?

Overall, 4/5.
NatsuFireball From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
A very well made hack, with wonderful graphics and levels ! The power-up state of the Ninji is very inventive and cute =]

Levels are quite short buy enjoyable, although oddly there isn't a castle for world 2. The only complaint I would make is that sometimes you use some unusual objects for background (such as spikes), so sometimes we don't recognize properly the FG from the BG.

The Lab level's difficulty is quite hard in comparison to the rest of the game, buts it's a nice challenge =]

5/5 (5 stars) Thank you very much, I hope there will be a sequel soon =]
 1UPdudes From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
I always like hacks that replace Mario. Helps keep em' fresh. #smrpg{mlem}
Anyways the levels found within this hack are very focused on pure platforming as well as some puzzles here and there.

Overall its a fun romp with some really cool levels found later in the hack. I'd recommend this to players of all levels as I feel the difficulty curve is rather smooth.
Idunno Author From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
The full release is complete, I'm now waiting for it to be moderated!
Idunno Author From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
Originally posted by newsuperhackboys
I think the hack is kinda bad. I'm in no way completely natural with SMW hacking but I see that the level design achingly ordinary. All the levels are really simple with a shortage of challenges. The World Map also shows a green switch palace even though it's assumed to be yellow. While I love the concept of using a Ninji as a playable role, it wasn't a big enough conception for me to give that hack a larger rating than a 0/3 in my eyes. This is by judging the courses since there aren't any gameplay variations. Besides, there's the case that there is a Ninji opponent that is the same as the playable actor too, which can very complicated. It doesn't help that Ninji's hitbox is larger which is surely negligence in not doing a bigger sprite or likewise applying a patch that doesn't adjust the size. I'm not trying to scare you away from completing this hack but improving the level design a little bit can go a long way.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll improve what I can for the full release. Also, the levels might seem too easy, but that's just world 1. Later worlds will be more challenging.
newsuperhackboys From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
I think the hack is kinda bad. I'm in no way completely natural with SMW hacking but I see that the level design achingly ordinary. All the levels are really simple with a shortage of challenges. The World Map also shows a green switch palace even though it's assumed to be yellow. While I love the concept of using a Ninji as a playable role, it wasn't a big enough conception for me to give that hack a larger rating than a 0/3 in my eyes. This is by judging the courses since there aren't any gameplay variations. Besides, there's the case that there is a Ninji opponent that is the same as the playable actor too, which can very complicated. It doesn't help that Ninji's hitbox is larger which is surely negligence in not doing a bigger sprite or likewise applying a patch that doesn't adjust the size. I'm not trying to scare you away from completing this hack but improving the level design a little bit can go a long way.
KazakhGuy From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
Dominicentek From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
*insert SMM2 joke here*
Thrustball From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
Great Hack, looking forward to the full version :)
NicoTheKaizoer From older version: Super Ninji Land Link
Absolutely Good And Cute <3,Very Nice Hack! #thp{^_^}