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Hangin With Mr. Koopa

Super Mario World Hacks → Hangin With Mr. Koopa

Submission Details

Name: Hangin With Mr. Koopa
Author: Miscalc
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 10 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: This is my first hack and is meant to be fun and not overly difficult. The main focus when making this hack was to give the player a nice flow throughout the levels. I'd guess the difficulty is mostly beginner with some intermediate sections.

- Fun I hope
- No overworld (auto saves after each level)
- No secrets or lore
- Instant retry
- No checkpoints but not overly lengthy levels.
- A cape level that requires no flight.
- No bosses
- Vanilla physics and assets (excluding font for title screen/credits)
- Custom palettes
- Happy music from SMW Central
- Minimal trolls
- A title that references a 90s sitcom of which I watched at least 4 episodes.

Version 1.1 Updates:
- Consistent setups - mainly in level 2
- Cheese prevention in a couple levels
- Graphic fixes
Tags: music vanilla
Comments: 24 (jump to comments)
5.0 (9 ratings)
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Comments (24)

Smackalot Link
Add this little hack to my ever growing list of absolute favorite hacks. An absolute blast to play with the focus on fun setups. Highly recommended.
DefybyDefault Link
I just finished this up tonight. Quick hack on the easier side but the setups were so much fun. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a more intermediate hack to play. I immediately had to come here to see what else Misc has made so I can play more.
 Amethyst Link
This hack was a pure joy to play though. I adored the emphasis on readable p-speed setups. Thanks for this <3
muzzl Link
I had a lot of fun with this. I think the community could use more of your approach to level design. Shame you're retiring, but hopefully the spirit of cool setups will live on in the inspired.
Nicoke42 Link
Fantastic hack!
Specially enjoyed the first 6 levels. The cape one was pure magic.
The way everything falls into place when you trust the indicators is really cool. The visuals are nice and clean, loved the music, particularly the more chill tracks.
On the downside, on the later levels it was sometimes hard to know when to hold right and jump and when to take control which made some sections harder to figure out.
The blue block level I didn't like, found it way to precise.
Also I would add a off-screen indicator for a couple of blind jumps on top.

Mission accomplished Miscalc, it was a joy to play :) 8.5/10
ClassicPass Link
If you can do a single shell jump, you should be playing this hack.
Late to make a rating/comment, been too busy. BUT, this is GREAT!! Thanks a TON Miscalc. This is certainly doable by beginners, and super rewarding. My only little gripe: Each Level follows a little bit of a pattern:
1. Opening Trick.
2. The 'hard' and/or janky trick.
3. The Hold Right section.
That being said, there are only really 2 jank'ish sections in the game , and it is a very rewarding and quick finish. 5/5
Sivarticus Link
Just finished my first playthrough. Awesome hack and well worth playing!
viniciuskombat Link
i really like this hack, very fun 5/5 #smw{:TUP:} edit: i beat 2x times, and this is really good for speedrun
 Katerpie Link
First off, I apologize for the delay in moderation.

Secondly, what a fun and creative little hack to play. Although it's definitely not for beginners, it's a nice romp for those who want to get busy with some challenge. The only thing that irked me off were some of the palettes, but that's a rather minor issue. Good job!

The first cape level took me a while because I thought I screwed up in one part and my impression was a design oversight, but turns out it wasn't #smw{^_^;}
12AngryBirds Link
This is hack is a lot of fun. First playthrough took about 3 hours, but I’m admittedly not the best player and I’d already seen linkdead’s moderation of 1.0. Very creative setups and a lot of the levels end with a bang.
Stucat From older version: Hangin With Mr. Koopa Link
This hack was a deeeelight. Super fun figuring out the tricks at the beginning of levels and then blasting off at the end. 10/10 would hang with mr. Koopa again
bsolt Link
Great hack, I had tons of fun. I would place it on the easier side of kaizo light. Flows very well and feels fresh and unique!
mason Link
~Not Kaizo Medium~

Super fun game! Really enjoyed the experience. A hack with a lot of fun ideas and good flows. Hope to see more great stuff from you in the future!
obersteiner86 Link
This hack is not for beginners the second lvl is close to kaizo medium
Miscalc Author Link
Originally posted by obersteiner86
Ehm i holding right but then i am to fast and get over the disco shell. i am talking about screen 08 if you hold right your overshoot the disco shell you need to slow down to get that disco shell or hold left for are litle bit.

You are meant to hold right against the wall and keep holding right. If you do that, it's not possible to overshoot it. If you miss the wall, you jumped too short and the disco can't catch up. It's a max jump.
obersteiner86 Link
Ehm i holding right but then i am to fast and get over the disco shell. i am talking about screen 08 if you hold right your overshoot the disco shell you need to slow down to get that disco shell or hold left for are litle bit.
bsolt From older version: Hangin With Mr. Koopa Link
I had an incredibly fun time with this hack. Creative levels, fast gameplay, fun and unique set ups - overall well worth the play. Good work!
Miscalc Author Link
Originally posted by obersteiner86
Ther is some cheese in the frist lvl, frist 3 bullets , then the 3 bullets right after the disco shell if you fast you can jump on on of the bullets and make are midair with the yellow shell. Then the section right before the cheese if you to fast you can not reach the disco shell.

I'm okay with cheese if it involves doing a midair in hack aimed at beginners. I don't really think I'd consider it cheese anyways if its harder and doesn't get you through the level any faster.

If you can't reach the second disco shell reliably, I'm guessing you aren't throwing the yellow shell at the indicator coin as intended.
That part is is a little unconventional because you throw it at the coin before you get to the gap but then you basically hold right and let the level do the work for you.
obersteiner86 Link
Ther is some cheese in the frist lvl, frist 3 bullets , then the 3 bullets right after the disco shell if you fast you can jump on on of the bullets and make are midair with the yellow shell. Then the section right before the cheese if you to fast you can not reach the disco shell.
Windy From older version: Hangin With Mr. Koopa Link
this is fun little hack good job
Aggro From older version: Hangin With Mr. Koopa Link
zLukaasPvPz From older version: Hangin With Mr. Koopa Link
Nao entendi nada kkk
12AngryBirds From older version: Hangin With Mr. Koopa Link
It was fun watching ldad mod this one. Some unexpected razzle dazzle in here #tb{^V^}
 Linkdeadx2 From older version: Hangin With Mr. Koopa Link
Impressed with some of the vanilla creativity in this hack. #smrpg{y}