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Mario OC

Super Mario World Hacks → Mario OC

This file is obsolete. The latest version is Mario OC. For other versions, check the version history.

Submission Details

Name: Mario OC
Author: elieltonl
Version History: View
Demo: Yes
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 4 exit(s)
Type: Tool-Assisted: Kaizo
Description: The theme of this hack is different from the common SMW HACKS we can find. The objective of this game is to release all the switches to rescue Yoshi and make it to the end.
Tags: asm exgfx exploration gimmick huge level music no boss non-plataformer puzzle
Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
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Comments (2)

aaabichou Link
 Katerpie Link
I was kind of troubled as to whether to accept or reject this hack, as it had redeeming parts, but coupled with these, some very annoying ones came to mind. Since it didn't violate the majority of the core values, I'll let it slide, but with some issues to report and on the hopes you get through them on your next update.

First, you need to disable getting beyond 99 lives, since the lives counter glitches and Mario's sprite is replaced with the one from after you get a game over.
Second, the underwater maze room was one of the most annoying rooms I've ever played in a while. It looked like it was endless until I had to open it in Lunar Magic and memorize which ways I should go to not reach a dead end. (This room was also annoying, what with all the P-switch and disco shell babysitting.)
Third, you need to filter out your powerups properly. After I pressed all switches and snatched yoshi, I can still keep the cape up to a certain bit. (And speaking of, the chasing yoshi rooms afterwards weren't the best either...)

It's accepted, but please resubmit it whenever you can and also avoid making us get through the same room twice. Thanks!