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Extending blocks v1.1

SMW Blocks → Extending blocks v1.1

Submission Details

Name: Extending blocks v1.1
Author: TheBiob
Version History: View
Act As: 130
Includes GFX: No
Description: When hit from below (with an Item or feather from the side) it'll grow one block until it hits a certain point. If the block doesn't get hit for a while it'll shrink down into one block again.

Read the readme for more information.

- Added left, right and down versions as well as a version that changes direction depending on map16 tiles.

Update v1.1
- PIXI compatibility.
- Fixed a bug where the sprite number wasn't checked correctly occasionally causing it to remove the wrong sprite.
- Added an option to use multiple timer so extending one doesn't block all others from extending.

Requested by maro and chineesmw
Tags: lorom new mario bros nsmb platform sa-1
Comments: 21 (jump to comments)
5.0 (2 ratings)
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Comments (21)

TheBiob Author Link
Originally posted by Epic_Manky
There seems to be an issue where the blocks only extend once, and can't be used again in the level

Originally posted by Earthling
the blocks are only extending 1 block, what am i doing wrong?

You might have forgotten to add the timer uberasm to the level, there is a small cooldown between using them that's set up by default and requires the uberasm to be running.

If you've turned off the !use_multiple_timer option then the address still needs to be one that decreases (like the commented out !timer address, which decreases automatically by default).
Epic_Manky Link
There seems to be an issue where the blocks only extend once, and can't be used again in the level
Earthling Link
the blocks are only extending 1 block, what am i doing wrong?
BreadWheatmann Link
This is a very well made block/sprite combo that works quite excellently! Once it's all setup it's effortless to implement in levels.

Something that I didn't understand initially is that the extending blocks don't run OVER the "left" "right" "stop" etc. blocks (like the custom snake blocks), but rather, collide with them like a wall, then act accordingly. This means that custom extending blocks, while always starting going upwards, can have a "turn left/right/down" block placed directly above the initial block in order to have them start going any direction you wish. Once I understood that, this block instantly started making a lot more sense.

Note: Some weird stuff happens if you make the block trail double back on itself. The blocks will retract along a path towards where it was told to flip 180. Once it reaches it, a single block will then begin tunneling downwards. It's incredible and hilarious, with limitless possibilities for gimmicks and trolls. Please don't patch it out.

Great job, TheBlob!
BreadWheatmann Link
Originally posted by TheBiob
Originally posted by BreadWheatmann
Hello. Where exactly should the "extendBlockTimer" be inserted to use it? Using UberASMTool14, that is.

Either the level you want it in or gamemode 14 for all levels.

TheBiob Author Link
Originally posted by BreadWheatmann
Hello. Where exactly should the "extendBlockTimer" be inserted to use it? Using UberASMTool14, that is.

Either the level you want it in or gamemode 14 for all levels.
BreadWheatmann Link
Hello. Where exactly should the "extendBlockTimer" be inserted to use it? Using UberASMTool14, that is.
Epic_Manky Link
Knight of Time Link
I very much appreciate having these blocks finally working properly with SA-1; after the many difficulties I had with these blocks in the past, it makes me so happy that my woes with them are in the past now.
MarkAlarm Link
Moderated with:
Lunar Magic 3.21
GPS 1.4.1
UberASMTool 1.4
Pixi 1.2.15 (moderated before newest version was approved)
SA-1 Pack 1.32 (also tested without)
Snes9x 1.60

Everything works fine and the available options are really fun to mess around with, so it's accepted. Made SA-1 compatible, fixed a bug with bridges longer than #$0F, and added list.txt files upon moderation.
codfish1002 Link
These look awesome but why is it not SA-1 compatible, i mean i could convert it myself to SA-1 but yeah why is it not just asking? #smw{o_O?}
Epic_Manky Link
I'd very much appreciate these being converted to SA-1
El Cuh Fermin Link
Does this work with SA-1?
Epic_Manky From older version: Extending blocks Link
Hope someone can convert these to SA-1...
Knight of Time From older version: Extending blocks Link
Hey, has anyone else besides me attempted to get these blocks working with SA-1? I've been having a great deal of difficulty getting them all to work in my SA-1 hack, and I'm also trying to debate if they are somehow incompatible with the SMB3 elevator blocks (which I got working correctly with SA-1).
 Stivi From older version: Extending blocks Link
This looks gorgeous!
levelengine From older version: Extending blocks Link
I tried using these (good potential for some fun setups) but the game crashes when you hit the source block but then don't hit it for a while (which would be when the blocks should retract).
Could you help me?
TheBiob Author From older version: Extending blocks Link
Thanks. And yeah I honestly don't know how I managed to miss so much I mean I did test it but I somehow never triggered these things sorry
DiscoTheBat From older version: Extending blocks Link
Finally this one got things fixed, I have been staring this submission quite a while and I like the idea. Good work!
DiscoTheBat From older version: Extending blocks Link
If I'm not mistaken, this block came from NSMB. Nevertheless, it is a really good block and I love how it allows the player to have an extra area to jump.

My only nitpick is that the code could be improved but it is functional.
chineesmw From older version: Extending blocks Link
Suggestion: You should make the block extend depending on certain Map16 tiles.

For example, there will be a Map16 tile that makes the sprite extend up, down, left, and right just like GreenHammerBro did on his Kirby Bomb pack.

It would be cool if the block could extend 2 times up, 3 times left, and then 1 time up again until it reaches the limit. And after a few seconds, it retracts all the way back.

Either way, this is a really nice block :P