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Shells Delivery Deluxe

Super Mario World Hacks → Shells Delivery Deluxe

Submission Details

Name: Shells Delivery Deluxe
Author: TheMURAmatsu
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 8 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: This is a Kaizo Light romhack with Shell Jumps challenges. A version of Shells Delivery (previous version), but reformulated, with more challenges, backgrounds and a new map. Challenges much more optimized. I hope you like it!


Esta é uma romhack Kaizo Light com desafios de Shell Jumps. Uma versão de Shells Delivery (versão anterior), porém reformulada, com mais desafios, backgrounds e um novo mapa. Desafios bem mais otimizados. Espero que curta!
Tags: music
Comments: 21 (jump to comments)
5.0 (1 rating)
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Comments (21)

KingmzZ Link
I had alot of fun with Shells Delivery. So im very excited to see whats new!
RoyMaluco From older version: Shells Delivery Link
I really enjoyed this hack, very good 5/5
RoyMaluco From older version: Shells Delivery Link
I liked this hack,but the rest is good, 5/5 #smw{:peace:}
blackhart Link
Lots of fun. Love a shell hack. Great job! #lm{sp}
keygen92 Link
Cool! #lm{sp}
 shovda Link
Really fun shell hack. The levels are relatively short, with one section each in addition. The final level was a tad longer, but still quick to get through. The hardest level by far was the Motor Skills level, "Change Jumps," but only for a small section where you needed to switch back and forth between normal and spin jump a few times in a row in quick succession. Overall, a definite recommend if you like shells.
KingmzZ From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Pretty tough, but very enjoyable once you figure the setups out. feel it needs a higher rating than it has, so wanted to drop some stars on it. had alot of fun playing it and very rewarding once you finally get that one run of perfection!
viniciuskombat From older version: Shells Delivery Link
i liked this hack, I didn't like the final castle, but the rest is good, 5/5 #smw{:peace:}
mhayes1255 From older version: Shells Delivery Link
boy oh boy this game has a lot of potential it just suffers from really bad setups and jumps being tight for the sake of being tight to give a sense of artifical difficulty all in all an update that moves shells up a couple spaces to give the player some leway and moving a couple walls down or in the case of the first jump in the ghost house just reworking it completely since its an incredibly unfair shell jump to make would make this game an incredibly enjoyable shell hack imo
zLukaasPvPz From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Muramatsu vc é um gênio por ter criado esse jogo
swunsh_ From older version: Shells Delivery Link
im so sick of those boostblocks which looks like noteblocks... thats such a joke...
Nowieso From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Inconsistent spawn setups, shells raining from the sky and basically the same aesthetics in every level. This hack feels very "rushed" and untested.
ChrizStylez From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Actually didnt enjoy this Hack :(
Some random shells falling from the sky...and because of the screen spawn they are super random sometimes.
Also there are 5 Levels with the same Forgroundgraphics...

i really think, that you should put more time in some kind of "Shellhack"

Sorry for that bad Feedback but this isnt a good Hack.
TheMURAmatsu Author From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Originally posted by flex5k
You did a fantastic job with this Mura, I really enjoyed my first playthrough! The aesthetic and design overall is great.

This hack is similar to Sheffy 2 only considerably shorter and easier in difficulty - techy moves had been replaced with tight gaps, especially in levels like Golden Pipes and Precision (very fitting name!)

I loved your version of credits with a playable shoutout level, really refreshing to see.


Hello! I'm glad you liked it! Usually my Kaizos tend to have short levels, but I keep the difficulty. I'm glad you enjoyed the playable credits. Hug!
TheMURAmatsu Author From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Originally posted by Illmatic
im down for these shell levels and this can be one of my favorite rom hacks ive played.

Hello! I'm glad you liked it and it can be one of your favorite hacks! Wow! Hug.
TheMURAmatsu Author From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Originally posted by falkenste1n
the game is great... but the music in the second level is so annoying.. the storm song repeats every 20 seconds... why did you do this to me :D ?!

Hello! I'm glad that the game itself pleased you. The song "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Song of Storms" I really liked, and as the level is very short, I didn't feel that it hindered it. I hope that in the rest, you enjoyed the rest of the songs.
TheMURAmatsu Author From older version: Shells Delivery Link
Originally posted by YnotP
I had so much fun with this game!!!!

Hello! I'm really glad you liked it! Hug!
Illmatic From older version: Shells Delivery Link
im down for these shell levels and this can be one of my favorite rom hacks ive played.
falkenste1n From older version: Shells Delivery Link
the game is great... but the music in the second level is so annoying.. the storm song repeats every 20 seconds... why did you do this to me :D ?!
YnotP From older version: Shells Delivery Link
I had so much fun with this game!!!!
Noob From older version: Shells Delivery Link
I am not good with Shells, but, I will play ... It will be a great challenge !!!