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Super Mario World Remix

Super Mario World Hacks → Super Mario World Remix

Submission Details

Name: Super Mario World Remix
Author: YMM
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 32 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Hard
Description: A simple "second quest" vanilla remix for Super Mario World. My first hack, made in two weeks. Non-linear overworld, with switch palace gating and some cool secrets.

v1.1: Added retry system and tweaked a few levels! <3
Tags: traditional vanilla
Comments: 41 (jump to comments)
4.4 (7 ratings)
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Comments (41)

Rarutra Link
Very Very good hack

TIP: "Victory Road" can be passed with cape feather #tb{:j}
Kaiz0bro Link
great hack to play if you loved the original but wanted to dive into something a little more difficult. one level required some kaizo-like tech to beat before the timer runs out but doesn't really require extensive knowledge or experience in the kaizo genre to beat. Despite being more difficult than the original, this can easily be beaten in one sitting. 5/5
RZ1 Link
Just a pure joy to playthrough, good pure level design.
Wish some of the cutoff was cleaned up though.
Mapping_bl Link
nice but its very empty
Ezel Link
Nice simple vanilla hack that can be done relatively quickly. I'd say it's a pretty good alternative if you find kaizo too hard but would like to play a standard hack that takes some inspirations from them.

Perhaps my only two things to point out would be that the ghost house has some significant sprite memory issues in the green bubble part (probably just the wrong sprite memory selected) and that the switch block bridge rooms are indicated with red dots which may be a bit misleading for some players. Apart from that it was a nice chill experience.
AnkisethTheMonk Link
Quick note, in 1.0 if you try to move up from the Yellow Switch Palace it puts you in no man's land unable to get back. I don't remember if I tested in 1.1.

This is a really fun purely vanilla hack. A lot of the level design philosophy seems to be "go fast full jump" and I can get behind that. Version 1.0 let you farm powerups/Yoshi but 1.1 adds counterbreak. The only level change I noticed was one instance of cheese during a Yoshi fly being removed.

Fairly short hack, ~1h to complete. Definitely recommend.
jvg Link
Great hack, would love to see more!
Thaipirate Link
Great hack with very cool level design. Boo house was funny during first playthrough.

This hack was way ahead of its time.
GlitchyR-01 Link
Its a very good hackroom, maybe the name dont have anything to be with all the game, but i like it, great work
Hiroki Link
its a very nice rom hack i loved it, btw i got 30 exits and i cant find the other 2... thank you for the hard work that you put in this rom hack!
keygen92 Link
im stuck at the Gateway! how to move the key!!
Cartesius Link
The retry was definitely a good addition but you probably should have disabled the "counterbreak" option. I'm not sure if that was a deliberate decision or not but the carrying of power ups from previous stages is expected behaviour for non kaizo. Great Hack #smw{:TUP:}
keygen92 Link
Nice hack! #lm{sp}
ideka13 Link
Do a hack update after almost 6 years? Alright then lmao
VolleytheBall From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Really enjoyed this game and learned a lot to help beat kaizo hacks like Quickie.
Gh0st From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
It's a great hack, but I think it's more difficult than all the "hard" hacks that I've been playing (such as CMW1, CMW2 and CMW3 (those are the only that I remember I've finished)). But, after all, it's an awesome hack that uses very well the vanilla resources.

PS: The only level that I personally don't liked was "2 spooky 4 u". In that level I needed the help of YT tutorials.
natbergu From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
this is a really fun vanilla hack with cool ideas and challenging secrets. despite having been originally classified as kaizo it never comes across to me as cruel, and some levels even have different ways of playing them depending on your skill level (which kind of goes against the idea of kaizo). its name definitely suits it: this hack remixes vanilla mechanics in ways not seen in SMW to create an experience that feels like it picks up right where SMW's special world leaves off. highly recommended.
yygdrasil From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
awesome just perfect hack! 5/5 star
StacheAttack From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Extremely fun hack! I've played through at least a dozen times. Definitely not a Kaizo hack...much easier...but very fun and highly recommended nonetheless.
 BeeKaay From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Difficulty changed from Kaizo: Light to Hard. While the level design is Kaizo-like, it is much more forgiving (e.g. there are plenty of powerups). You can also use the cape to make the hack much easier, including flying over some levels.
Klug From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
So... this is the hack where Matt made it a few years ago, before he went to make Celeste.
LordLuigi From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Pretty fun hack but definitely some jank and some frustrating parts/levels. Definitely not kaizo at all. I was able to "break" multiple levels using yoshi and/or the cape. Also using yoshi to double eat P switches made certain things much much easier. Longest pow and 2spooky4u were just annoying imo. Impressive how wuickly iy was made but more time to polish and play test would have been better.
Overall 3 or 3.5 out of 5.
Megashad From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Good job, a very good hack and some interesting ideas !
ahamza61 From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Amazing hack. One of my favorites. But its not Kaizo. It can be Hard or maybe Very Hard.
TomsMostHammed From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
good looking map
32057 From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
This is the most fun hack I've ever played, and you made it in two weeks. it's astounding. I don't think Kaizo light fits here though, more hard.
kaitri From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
so far i did 10 exits and i gotta agree with all the comments.
this is NOT kaizo light. its not even very hard. i think i only came across 2 jumps that required SOME precission. the rating for this one is really broken.

but its decent.

you can bring powerups etc with you.
for example the first level when you move up is this one:
with yoshi you can skip like 90% of the hack.
Mushroom1228 From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
I would say that "hard" will suit this better than "kaizo". It is a neat hack, and is one of my favourites.
Chillah From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
This hack is great. However, 2 SPOOKY 4 U is kind of hard. I beat it, but it's still rather difficult. Also, it might be me, but the actual door that progresses you through the stage leads me to a room of garble? What?
hatteresque From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Fantastic! I just finished it without save states. I really recommend this hack. Only one place stumped me: 2 Spooky 4 U. I looked up a portion of it on a youtube video. Great experience.
qantuum From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Hey. I'm basically stuck in the level "2SPOOKY4U".

I don't understand at all how to solve it.
kriegerd From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
I started playing this not so long ago. I've been having a lot of fun. But on Yellow Switch Palace I'm getting an instant death. Am I missing something? Thanks!
daltone From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Awesome work right here, really fun, creative design.
thanks for this!
neidoodle From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
This is the first Hack in a long time that makes me wanna play without savestates and actually complete it... Good job mate!
WhatTheHack From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
I had been looking for a hack that would introduce me "gently" to Kaizo difficulty, and this was the perfect hack for that, although Super Mario World Remix is so many other great things as well! Truly a breath of fresh air so to speak, one of the best SMW ROM hacks I have played in a long while! Amazing, creative, and challenging!
anonymousbl00dlust From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
YMM is the reason I got into game design. Everything he touches is gold.
MercuryPenny From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Played this not too long ago and it's really sweet hack. Really interesting that it combines the usual level design with some Kaizo philosophy without really requiring savestates.

I'd say give this a shot if you wish - though expect some incredibly challenging stuff along with the creativity.
 Counterfeit From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Absolutely incredible in how simple, unique ideas are milked in an energetic, entertaining, fast-paced setup in this hack. Levels are long enough to be substantive but overstay their welcome. This hack feels diverse as a result. It does tread the line between Hard and Kaizo but it's designed around a predictable pace you as the player can keep naturally so it's very enjoyable. Trial-and-error exists, but it's handled well: midway points exist so if a section blindsides you because you forgot an item and can't go back, there isn't much loss to get back to where you were.
DrSaering From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Despite being a first hack and made quickly, this is actually one of my favourite SMW hacks. The levels are hard, but very creatively designed, and not so long that they grow tiring or are overly frustrating to complete without save states.
Aeon From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
e: should work now.

Anyway, this is a pretty neat hack and I recommend giving it a try. It should be possible without savestates and isn't very difficult, but I marked it as "Kaizo: Light" because it's still above most "Hard" hacks I know.
Aeon From older version: Super Mario World Remix Link
Nice work with this. The hack plays nicely overall, and there are quite a few creative obstacles, specially from a vanilla (apparently) hack. Had a lot of fun all the way through.

The only thing I'd like to mention are one or two unfair obstacles, such as the Bullet Bill wall at Garden Stroll, but those are far from each other and very few, and I didn't want to remove the hack just for that, as otherwise it's surprisingly good. The difficulty was leaning more towards Kaizo: Light to me, though, but I'd like to hear more opinions on this if possible, specially because I'm not experienced with Kaizo hacks. It still seems harder than the usual "Hard" hack, so I changed it for now.

Anyway, great job with this, specially considering it's your first hack.