Name: | Mario Gives Up |
Author: | cyphermur9t |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 86 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Hard |
Description: | Mario has had it with saving Princess Peach. He decides to do something about it to make sure she never gets kidnapped by King Koopa ever again! |
Tags: | asm exgfx music traditional |
Comments: | 26 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
774.66 KiB | 4,556 downloads
Comments (26)
Hope to see "Mario Gives Up 2" become compatible with SNES 9X and get a bugfix treatment too.
- The 5th Dragon Coin in Nasty Swamp (level 134) isn't obtainable : I checked with LM and this takes place at screen #12 : this screen has an exit enabled to level 1CF, containing the last coin. However, neither of the 2 pipes present on this screen seems to be enterable. I guess that the left vertical pipe should have been the one designed to be enterable.
- In Fireground Cave (level 137). In this case, the fourth Dragon Coin in sub-level 1E5 disappears if you previously enter the pipe leading to the secret exit, which is required for total completion of DC because the first one stands just next to the pipe, at the bottom of a pit (screen #5, exit 34). If you then continue playing normally and finally reach sub-level 1E5 by entering the last pipe of level 137, the Dragon Coin which would normally take place on screen #02 just disappears. (I don't know about the last one on screen #0A though, it may suffer the same problem). Although, if you don't enter the pipe leading to the secret exit (and then miss the first coin), the coins appear correctly in sub-level 1E5.
- Chain Chompers (level 138) seems to contain only 4 Dragon Coins (even with LM, I can't see a fifth coin). I can see a Dragon Coin in main level (138), another in sub-level 1E7 and two in sub-level 1E8 (making up the second part of the main level).
- I See You (level 3) also seems to only contain 4 Dragon Coins. I checked with LM : 2 DC present in main level 3, and 2 DC present in sub-level 1ED (making up the second part of the main level).
Some other remarks :
- MKM1 Oil Fields (level 126) has a pipe near the beginning of the level. To enter it you need a P-switch that you can only find in its sub-level 188 (second part of the main level). However this implies jumping on a Koopa then entering in oil laying on the roof. But this oil is indeed water and you can swim up through it, then you can find a pipe with a P-switch next to it, that pipe bringing you back to the main level (126), where you finally can enter the P-switch locked pipe. The problem is there is no indication that you have to jump on that Koopa, nor the least indication that you won't die when entering this fake oil (it is exactly the same as the other deadly ones). I had to look at Lunar Magic to find this.
- I think I've found all exits in the game but the counter still shows 85 at title screen. Could this have to do with the first level (104) ? I think this level has one exit which is the Yellow Switch Palace, but maybe was it also designed to have a secret exit, which would have been the key-boss ? Indeed, when you beat the key boss (sub-level 145), you are teleported to level 16A, where you can find the boomerang power-up and some enemies, without any mean of finishing the level... then you are forced to die. More important, as game auto-saves, if you move on the overworld after dying at key boss (which triggers the auto-save), you are indefinitely tied to start at midway entrance (screen 0D) of main level 104.
For information, I'm playing with the last version (1.60) of SNES9X.
I think that this time few issues have been fixed, including the emulator accurancy maybe.
Yes. I tested all of the exits on bsnes v115.
Graphics: The graphics fits the style of Super Mario World really well (whatever if that was the intention of the creator or not.) Some levels like to mix other games like with a Donkey Kong Country level. Overall, the graphics are nice, but I feel like some it clashes with a SMRPG background, and SMW enemies, and foreground.
Presentation: The presentation is really well done. The sarcastic and witty messages is just the highlight. Initially, this hack was going to be a joke, and it definitely shows. I also enjoyed the intro as most hacks (or even games) don't a show an event leading up to the game through a title screen. Nice job there. I also enjoyed the cutscene before you face Bowser. It was really funny seeing Mario destroy Bowser's TV. One thing I'm not fond of is using different graphics for every cutscene. But that's just a nitpick, really.
Music: The music fits the level themes well. I enjoyed most of the songs used here. Nothing outstanding really. But the songs are good, and fit well, it's just the sequels have better songs.
Gameplay: The level design is really well done. Each level is very fun to play. I'll note the level "Diamond Mine" for having a really fun chase sequence with falling rocks. The music and the level design work so well together here that it makes for a fun and enjoyable experience. But, doesn't mean some sections aren't really hard. In the level "Fire Ground Cave" there is a section where you have to jump on dolphins jumping out of the lava. You have to play it for yourself to really see how difficult that part is. The overworld has a bunch of secrets that can lead to alternate paths, switch palaces, and warp stars. It works out really well, and the overworld is well designed, too.
Bugs: There are noticeable bugs that you may encounter while playing this game.
First off, if you go to "AREA OF BONUSES", you may have instant access to the key boss despite not pressing any switch.
When you start "Flat...that is all" You may get a boomerang power-up immediately. Though you are not supposed to.
In one of the BONUS levels, you may see a goal tape at the beginning of the level, and it is fully functional.
In the next BONUS level, you may see a glitched room at the end where you would fight a Big Boo. The battle is at least beatable.
Overall: This is a fun and enjoyable hack. With nice graphics, great presentation, good soundtrack, and fun yet challenging level. However to enjoy it, you must NOT take it seriously in anyway. As I said, this hack was originally a joke, so... yeah.
The bugs you may or may not encounter can be a issue which may hinder the experience. I'll give this a 7/10.
You forgot to mention the yoshi wings problem in the final bonus level.
This patch still doesn't fix the winged Yoshi problem in The Final bonus level.
Graphics: The graphics fits the style of Super Mario World really well (whatever if that was the intention of the creator or not.) Some levels like to mix other games like with a Donkey Kong Country level. Overall, the graphics are nice, but I feel like some it clashes with a SMRPG background, and SMW enemies, and foreground.
Presentation: The presentation is really well done. The sarcastic and witty messages is just the highlight. Initially, this hack was going to be a joke, and it definitely shows. I also enjoyed the intro as most hacks (or even games) don't a show an event leading up to the game through a title screen. Nice job there. I also enjoyed the cutscene before you face Bowser. It was really funny seeing Mario destroy Bowser's TV. One thing I'm not fond of is using different graphics for every cutscene. But that's just a nitpick, really.
Music: The music fits the level themes well. I enjoyed most of the songs used here. Nothing outstanding really. But the songs are good, and fit well, it's just the sequels have better songs.
Gameplay: The level design is really well done. Each level is very fun to play. I'll note the level "Diamond Mine" for having a really fun chase sequence with falling rocks. The music and the level design work so well together here that it makes for a fun and enjoyable experience. But, doesn't mean some sections aren't really hard. In the level "Fire Ground Cave" there is a section where you have to jump on dolphins jumping out of the lava. You have to play it for yourself to really see how difficult that part is. The overworld has a bunch of secrets that can lead to alternate paths, switch palaces, and warp stars. It works out really well, and the overworld is well designed, too.
Bugs: There are noticeable bugs that you may encounter while playing this game.
First off, if you go to "AREA OF BONUSES", you may have instant access to the key boss despite not pressing any switch.
When you start "Flat...that is all" You may get a boomerang power-up immediately. Though you are not supposed to.
In one of the BONUS levels, you may see a goal tape at the beginning of the level, and it is fully functional.
In the next BONUS level, you may see a glitched room at the end where you would fight a Big Boo. The battle is at least beatable.
Overall: This is a fun and enjoyable hack. With nice graphics, great presentation, good soundtrack, and fun yet challenging level. However to enjoy it, you must NOT take it seriously in anyway. As I said, this hack was originally a joke, so... yeah.
The bugs you may or may not encounter can be a issue which may hinder the experience. I'll give this a 7/10.
To fix the big boo battle, simply remove the lightning generator from the battle room. And in "Area of bonuses" the switch blocks are took from direct map16 access, simply replace them with the ones in the extended objects and tilset specific tiles sections.
Of course, you need to use an older version of lunar magic, because when using version 3 or more, there's a bug the disables the level ending sequence when hitting the goal tape (but just when modifying a rom that uses an older version) . I recommend you to use version 2.53.
Graphics: The graphics fits the style of Super Mario World really well (whatever if that was the intention of the creator or not.) Some levels like to mix other games like with a Donkey Kong Country level. Overall, the graphics are nice, but I feel like some it clashes with a SMRPG background, and SMW enemies, and foreground.
Presentation: The presentation is really well done. The sarcastic and witty messages is just the highlight. Initially, this hack was going to be a joke, and it definitely shows. I also enjoyed the intro as most hacks (or even games) don't a show an event leading up to the game through a title screen. Nice job there. I also enjoyed the cutscene before you face Bowser. It was really funny seeing Mario destroy Bowser's TV. One thing I'm not fond of is using different graphics for every cutscene. But that's just a nitpick, really.
Music: The music fits the level themes well. I enjoyed most of the songs used here. Nothing outstanding really. But the songs are good, and fit well, it's just the sequels have better songs.
Gameplay: The level design is really well done. Each level is very fun to play. I'll note the level "Diamond Mine" for having a really fun chase sequence with falling rocks. The music and the level design work so well together here that it makes for a fun and enjoyable experience. But, doesn't mean some sections aren't really hard. In the level "Fire Ground Cave" there is a section where you have to jump on dolphins jumping out of the lava. You have to play it for yourself to really see how difficult that part is. The overworld has a bunch of secrets that can lead to alternate paths, switch palaces, and warp stars. It works out really well, and the overworld is well designed, too.
Bugs: There are noticeable bugs that you may encounter while playing this game.
First off, if you go to "AREA OF BONUSES", you may have instant access to the key boss despite not pressing any switch.
When you start "Flat...that is all" You may get a boomerang power-up immediately. Though you are not supposed to.
In one of the BONUS levels, you may see a goal tape at the beginning of the level, and it is fully functional.
In the next BONUS level, you may see a glitched room at the end where you would fight a Big Boo. The battle is at least beatable.
Overall: This is a fun and enjoyable hack. With nice graphics, great presentation, good soundtrack, and fun yet challenging level. However to enjoy it, you must NOT take it seriously in anyway. As I said, this hack was originally a joke, so... yeah.
The bugs you may or may not encounter can be a issue which may hinder the experience. I'll give this a 7/10.