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SMW Music Identifier

Tools → SMW Music Identifier

Submission Details

Name: SMW Music Identifier
Author: dtothefourth
Operating System: Windows
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Source Available: No
Featured: No
Website: None
Description: This tool takes an SMW hack (.smc/.sfc) and will attempt to identify all of the custom music inserted
into the ROM and provide and soundtrack with links to the SMWC pages for each song.

All you have to do is click select ROM and choose the patched ROM for the hack and it will do the rest.

For the moment this tool is Windows only. Trying to run this in Wine or otherwise will generally result in a message about being unable to connect.

This will only work on ROMs which have music inserted using AddMusicK (AMK). Older insertions with AMM
will likely not be possible to identify currently.

The identification service relies on a web service with a database of information on all of the songs
hosted on SMWC which means:

1) This tool requires an internet connection to run
2) If for some reason the identification server is down the tool will not be able to run
3) Only songs that have been added to the database will be available for identification

For 1/2 the program will provide an error message noting that the server could not be reached.

As for 3, every song on SMWC as of about 1/10/2021 is in the database and I will be updating it
occasionally or setting up an automated updated if there's sufficient demand.

The tool will attempt to match songs that have been updated or altered as well.
Songs that aren't a direct match will be noted as "(Modified Version?)" indicating that it
was not a perfect match and there's a possibility of a false positive.
Tags: music spc
Comments: 30 (jump to comments)
4.4 (10 ratings)
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Comments (30)

fanfan21 Link
I've gotten nothing but errors trying to use this. I enjoy finding Music a lot but this isn't working, even on popular Hacks. I've tried Bowser's Hideout 2 and various other Kaizo hacks and still won't work.
amt Link
karls_Corinthia Link
This is too useful for me, but there is a problem.
Why do some hacks display 'Could not connect to song date base ' And the web version will not have such problems
Danik2343 Link
This newer remastered version.
Danik2343 Link
Originally posted by spooonsss
I remade this tool here: Music Identifier tool. It should be able to identify everything the original did and more.

Thank you very much! I knew that this would happen, that someone would return this divine application to us!
Danik2343 Link
Originally posted by meatloaf_and_cheese
Are the ID servers for this still being supported / up and running?

Unfortunately not, I hope they turn them on, this is a very cool utility if you liked the music and you also want to insert it into the HACK later, or just find out the name.
About the .SPC dump, yes, but there is no name of the music and the game from the music.
spooonsss Link
I remade this tool here: Music Identifier tool. It should be able to identify everything the original did and more.
Meatlowph Link
Are the ID servers for this still being supported / up and running?
Danik2343 Link
It's too bad that the database doesn't work with music, I hope everything will work in the future!
But in the future it is possible to make a local data base so that the program works offline, there will be an endless life for this program, and it is desirable to update the database and transfer it to local (offline)
djEnby Link
This tool is great but it seems like the ID servers are down. I hope it's not a permanent issue as this is a super helpful tool! Thank you d4 #smrpg{<3}
Gulaschko Link
Does not work at all. It can't connect to the database every time...
Romano338 Link
And guess what guys? It actually works. Found a music I've been looking for for months.
Nayfal Link
I love this tool! I really hope for automatic database updates!
Foxy_9000_ Link
A very helpful tool! #smw{:peace:}
ninj Link
 Major Flare Link
Tested within: Windows 10.

Ingenious. Enough said. Simple tool, cool server work. I'm looking up to updates, should they exist. A fine work, dtothefourth.
qantuum Link
this seems fantastic!!!
I'll be happy to track down songs sometime, thanks a lot.
 Aram Link
Man, if only this tool had existed back in 2012/13 I wouldn't have had so much trouble. Either way, I'm glad this exists! Truly an amazing tool
 dtothefourth Author Link
Originally posted by codfish1002
this tool is amazing #smrpg{:D}

it would of been more amazing if it could detect music from hacks that used the older addmusic tools like amm or am4

but otherwise this is pretty good #smw{:TUP:}

If there's some demand, maybe. I need to go dig up the older versions and see how the insert differs
 dtothefourth Author Link
Originally posted by Shiva619
Is this made in C#?
C# yes
obersteiner86 Link
@Shiva619 look like net but not sure if it is c# or vb
Dippy Link
Very cool tool!!
codfish1002 Link
this tool is amazing #smrpg{:D}

it would of been more amazing if it could detect music from hacks that used the older addmusic tools like amm or am4

but otherwise this is pretty good #smw{:TUP:}
Shiva619 Link
Is this made in C#?
 Atari2.0 Link
Originally posted by mish1
It says could not connect to music database on Pop-OS 20.10, could be that I'm using some ports that aren't on SMWC/I ported myself.

No, it's due to the fact that the db has some dependancies that don't work on linux
 dtothefourth Author Link
Originally posted by Anas
Interesting concept for a tool. What about AMK-inserted songs found outside of SMWC?

It has to have a fingerprint in the database to be able to recognize a song. I've generated one for every song on SMWC but it doesn't know about songs anywhere else.
Anas Link
Interesting concept for a tool. What about AMK-inserted songs found outside of SMWC?
mish1 Link
It says could not connect to music database on Pop-OS 20.10, could be that I'm using some ports that aren't on SMWC/I ported myself.
Ralshi02 Link
this is gonna spare me a TON of time
Zavok Link
This is cool