Name: | SMW Music Identifier |
Author: | dtothefourth |
Added: | |
Operating System: | Windows |
Platforms: | SNES |
Games: | SMW |
Source Available: | No |
Featured: | No |
Website: | None |
Description: | This tool takes an SMW hack (.smc/.sfc) and will attempt to identify all of the custom music inserted into the ROM and provide and soundtrack with links to the SMWC pages for each song. All you have to do is click select ROM and choose the patched ROM for the hack and it will do the rest. For the moment this tool is Windows only. Trying to run this in Wine or otherwise will generally result in a message about being unable to connect. This will only work on ROMs which have music inserted using AddMusicK (AMK). Older insertions with AMM will likely not be possible to identify currently. The identification service relies on a web service with a database of information on all of the songs hosted on SMWC which means: 1) This tool requires an internet connection to run 2) If for some reason the identification server is down the tool will not be able to run 3) Only songs that have been added to the database will be available for identification For 1/2 the program will provide an error message noting that the server could not be reached. As for 3, every song on SMWC as of about 1/10/2021 is in the database and I will be updating it occasionally or setting up an automated updated if there's sufficient demand. The tool will attempt to match songs that have been updated or altered as well. Songs that aren't a direct match will be noted as "(Modified Version?)" indicating that it was not a perfect match and there's a possibility of a false positive. |
Tags: | music spc |
Comments: | 30 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
811.54 KiB | 2,140 downloads
Comments (30)
Why do some hacks display 'Could not connect to song date base ' And the web version will not have such problems
This newer remastered version.
Thank you very much! I knew that this would happen, that someone would return this divine application to us!
Unfortunately not, I hope they turn them on, this is a very cool utility if you liked the music and you also want to insert it into the HACK later, or just find out the name.
About the .SPC dump, yes, but there is no name of the music and the game from the music.
But in the future it is possible to make a local data base so that the program works offline, there will be an endless life for this program, and it is desirable to update the database and transfer it to local (offline)
Ingenious. Enough said. Simple tool, cool server work. I'm looking up to updates, should they exist. A fine work, dtothefourth.
I'll be happy to track down songs sometime, thanks a lot.
it would of been more amazing if it could detect music from hacks that used the older addmusic tools like amm or am4
but otherwise this is pretty good
If there's some demand, maybe. I need to go dig up the older versions and see how the insert differs
it would of been more amazing if it could detect music from hacks that used the older addmusic tools like amm or am4
but otherwise this is pretty good
No, it's due to the fact that the db has some dependancies that don't work on linux
It has to have a fingerprint in the database to be able to recognize a song. I've generated one for every song on SMWC but it doesn't know about songs anywhere else.