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Don't Panic

Super Mario World Hacks → Don't Panic

Submission Details

Name: Don't Panic
Author: Nicoke42
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 11 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: Don't Panic is an intermediate difficulty Kaizo Hack that aims to have flowing levels with little waiting, challenging sections balanced by frequent checkpoints, pleasing graphics and rockin' music.

What there's little of:

What there's some of:
Cool, interesting, original stuff.
Secret rooms.

What there's a lot of:
False advertising.

Change log:
-Fixed jank spawn, minor nerfs.

-Some small nerfs and de-cheese in “Permafrost”.
-Further tweaking of a spawn and de-chesse in “Sky Tower”.
-Indicators and signs for added clarity in several sections.

-Almost every level has been altered to some extent, either by making sections more lenient or more readable and replacing obstacles altogether in a couple of instances.
Tags: asm exgfx music
Comments: 15 (jump to comments)
4.5 (8 ratings)
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Comments (15)

timeisart Link
I was having so much fun playing this hack that I'm honestly sad that I beat it, just didn't want it to end. not trying to brag but I beat this on the tiny Anbernic RG-28XX handheld. seriously though, one of the best hacks of all time imo, fresh setups, nice use of chocolate without going overboard, beautiful graphics. awesome job Nicoke, hope to see more from you in the future!
JumpMatt Link
Excellent hack. The aesthetics are just gorgeous, level design is fun and feels fresh, and every level had something to enjoy. My 1 criticism is that I thought level 1 was the weakest level, it had some blindness, awkward-feeling jumps, and the goombas I felt were a tad janky combined with the pillars they disappear behind. But I enjoyed every other level, and I feel this hack is a must-play. Easy 5/5 stars
bradbrad Link
that death sound is f annoying
i stopped playing in level 2
couldn't stand it anymore
dannyilhan Link
Fantastic romhack!
Aesthetics are on point and the platforming feels great, the levels flow nicely. Absolutely deserving of wider recognition!
Not_Vinicius1 Link
Awesome Platforming hack loved it!!, 5/5 #smw{:peace:}
Nicoke42 Author Link
Soundtrack list

Speedrun leaderboard:

Thanks to Jeritiel!!


Thanks to CoMPMStR!!

And also thanks to everyone for the kind words!

SwagSheep Link
Amazing hack
callmedoor Link
Great hack. Some of the levels get up there in difficulty mostly due to blindness, but it is not something totally crazy. The level design is creative and not to mention the aesthetics are on point.

Recommend this hack for beginners who want a challenge and to try a bit of chocolate on their vanilla Mario. Short and sweet, never overstays its welcome. This is a banger for sure.
Miscalc Link
The visuals are so nice that I sometimes forgot how good the level design is. Can definitely tell a lot of effort went into this. Great hack!
B2De Link
What scatman said. #smw{B)}
ScatmanJones49 Link
This hack was an absolute blast and very creative... Not to mention the best astetics in any kaizo hack I have ever played.

This is a great play for seasoned players and beginners looking for a step up.

Give nico credit he’s a great person 😃
Connnnair From older version: Don't Panic Link
I'm going to start this off before saying anything negative that this is an absolutely phenomenal hack and despite the issues I have with it I do not in any way consider it to be a bad hack, in fact I feel quite the opposite, This hack chooses to embrace itself and doesn't attempt to mimic the styles of other creators, and in doing so it provides a profound sense of novelty while playing it. It is absolute concrete proof that you don't need to pack your hack full of crazy asm's, sprites, and blocks to create a sense of newness. Any inspiration taken from other hacks was purely to set the baseline for what is good practice and bad practice, not themes or setups or cool tricks. However no good can be without some bad, the biggest frustration I felt playing this was that the setups were very difficult to understand in comparison to the difficulty of the trick itself, alongside this were very large gaps in difficulty between levels and even the sections within levels, with some being beaten blind in under 10 minutes and some taking over an hour and a half, while not necessarily a bad thing it definitely could have been more linear in difficulty. The final issue I feel is the lack of quality of life patches that could have made
Calm Keep's saw chase section and The summits 3rd and 4th rooms
less unbearable from dying to what I assume are frame-rule related deaths. Despite all this, the placement of trolls are just far enough apart such that you don't expect them when they hit you, as well as not being annoying in nature but more of like a "gotcha" moment in playing, after all trolls are supposed to be funny, even if cruel in nature. Overall this hack deserves serious recognition for its take on kaizo and I hope it gains that popularity in the coming weeks, I am looking forward to a sequel if it's in the cards. 5
Terrifying saws chasing you on top of a castle
out of 5.
blackhart From older version: Don't Panic Link
This was a lot of fun, I really liked it.#wario{<3}
B2De From older version: Don't Panic Link
This is such a fun game. Looks pretty, sounds pretty, plays smoothly. Quality hack that deserves to be enjoyed by all. The things that stood out to me most in the update (which is appreciated), is the setup with the spiny shell in "Permafrost", and the swinging platform at the end of "The Summit" (game changers imo). Great job again, Nico! Highly recommend! #smw{:TUP:}
aaabichou From older version: Don't Panic Link